Browser history bug?



Hi all,
if a page has a link that call the same URL, IE saves in
his history the first two pages. From the third it saves
ALWAYS the last one.

I mean:

page1 calls "abc.html?2" gives page2
page2 calls "abc.html?3" gives page3
page3 calls "abc.html?4" gives page4
page4 calls "abc.html?5" gives page5
page5 calls "abc.html?6" gives page6

In the browser history the pages stored are:

page1, page2, page5, page5, page5, page5

instead of

page1, page2, page3, page4, page5, page6.

I think this is a IE bug, isn't it?

best regards


Robert Aldwinckle

In the browser history the pages stored are:
page1, page2, page5, page5, page5, page5

Are you looking at something like page[5].htm?

Look at the subdirectory involved then.
The number is just used to make the name unique within
each subdirectory of the Content.IE5 subfolder of the TIF.


Are you looking at something like page[5].htm?

no. in history folder i see abc.htm.

When the client calls abc.htm?page=1 the server returns
the first page (we call it page1). When client calls
abc.htm?page=2 the server returns the second page (we call
it page2) and so on.
After calling page1, page2 and page3 the pages stored are:
page1, page2, page3 and i can navigate them using back and
forward buttons.
But after calling page4 the pages stored becomes:
page1, page2, page4, page4.
page3 has been replaced by page4 in the history. page3 has
disappeared from browser history and using back and
forward buttons i can't see it anymore.
And so on: after calling page5 the pages stored becomes:
page1, page2, page5, page5, page5.
So, only the first two pages (page1 and page2) are
correctly stored in the browser history. The next ones are
overwritten by the last one called.


-----Original Message-----
In the browser history the pages stored are:

page1, page2, page5, page5, page5, page5

Are you looking at something like page[5].htm?

Look at the subdirectory involved then.
The number is just used to make the name unique within
each subdirectory of the Content.IE5 subfolder of the TIF.


Andrea said:
Hi all,
if a page has a link that call the same URL, IE saves in
his history the first two pages. From the third it saves
ALWAYS the last one.

I mean:

page1 calls "abc.html?2" gives page2
page2 calls "abc.html?3" gives page3
page3 calls "abc.html?4" gives page4
page4 calls "abc.html?5" gives page5
page5 calls "abc.html?6" gives page6

In the browser history the pages stored are:

page1, page2, page5, page5, page5, page5

instead of

page1, page2, page3, page4, page5, page6.

I think this is a IE bug, isn't it?

best regards



Robert Aldwinckle

After calling page1, page2 and page3 the pages stored are:
page1, page2, page3 and i can navigate them using back and
forward buttons.

I still can't tell where you are looking to see this detail.
What do you mean by "history folder"? Alt-T,O,Alt-S,V or Ctrl-h?
It sounds now as if you mean the latter but it also sounds as if you
could be looking at the browser stack and expecting it to look like the latter.
I was interpreting your initial use of the word "stored" to imply the TIF
but I think what you have written could also be construed as perhaps
referring to the browse stack, e.g Alt-V,o; if so, that would explain
why you would see pages missing from or "overwritten" in your
"browser history".

Part of the problem is that we don't have anything very specific
to talk about. Do you have a link which you could cite as an example
of the behaviour you mean? Notice that some sites are implemented
in such a way that they can not be recorded in the History (Ctrl-h).
In that case your only perception of their "History" would be the browse
stack (Alt-V,o) but that is just a way to retrace your steps using the
links you followed from any particular level. Once you make steps back
and different steps forward (which I assume is what you are getting at
with your "page5" example) all the previous forward steps are lost.
If you want them and they were recorded you might be able to reconstruct
them from the History folder's By Order Visited Today view (Ctrl-h,Alt-w,O).



Are you looking at something like page[5].htm?

no. in history folder i see abc.htm.

When the client calls abc.htm?page=1 the server returns
the first page (we call it page1). When client calls
abc.htm?page=2 the server returns the second page (we call
it page2) and so on.
After calling page1, page2 and page3 the pages stored are:
page1, page2, page3 and i can navigate them using back and
forward buttons.
But after calling page4 the pages stored becomes:
page1, page2, page4, page4.
page3 has been replaced by page4 in the history. page3 has
disappeared from browser history and using back and
forward buttons i can't see it anymore.
And so on: after calling page5 the pages stored becomes:
page1, page2, page5, page5, page5.
So, only the first two pages (page1 and page2) are
correctly stored in the browser history. The next ones are
overwritten by the last one called.


-----Original Message-----
In the browser history the pages stored are:

page1, page2, page5, page5, page5, page5

Are you looking at something like page[5].htm?

Look at the subdirectory involved then.
The number is just used to make the name unique within
each subdirectory of the Content.IE5 subfolder of the TIF.


Andrea said:
Hi all,
if a page has a link that call the same URL, IE saves in
his history the first two pages. From the third it saves
ALWAYS the last one.

I mean:

page1 calls "abc.html?2" gives page2
page2 calls "abc.html?3" gives page3
page3 calls "abc.html?4" gives page4
page4 calls "abc.html?5" gives page5
page5 calls "abc.html?6" gives page6

In the browser history the pages stored are:

page1, page2, page5, page5, page5, page5

instead of

page1, page2, page3, page4, page5, page6.

I think this is a IE bug, isn't it?

best regards




with history folder i mean browser stack, Alt-V,o.
I haven't a link. I'm working in localhost.
Now i try again to explain the broswer behaviour:
When I call abc.htm?page=1 my server gives me the first
abc.htm page. From here (from the first abc.htm) with a
link I call the second abc.htm page (abc.htm?page=2). From
here again I call the third abc.htm page (abc.htm?page=3).
And so on.

Suppose I navigate (in sequence) the first 5 abc.htm pages.
So abc.htm?page=1 --> abc.htm?page=2 --> abc.htm?page=3 -->
abc.htm?page=4 --> abc.htm?page=5.
Now, I'm in the 5th abc.htm page and in the browser stack
I can see:

The first 2 abc.htm are CORRECT. They are infact the first
and the second abc.htm pages.
Now suppose I wanna see the third page (using browser
stack ofcourse). Here my problems begin: if I select the
third page in the browser stack, I actually see the 5th
The same happens for the 4th page.
I mean: when I select the third, 4th or 5th abc.htm page
in browser stack I ALWAYS see the 5th, the last one.

It seems a browser stack bug...

best regards


-----Original Message-----
After calling page1, page2 and page3 the pages stored are:
page1, page2, page3 and i can navigate them using back and
forward buttons.

I still can't tell where you are looking to see this detail.
What do you mean by "history folder"? Alt-T,O,Alt-S,V or Ctrl-h?
It sounds now as if you mean the latter but it also sounds as if you
could be looking at the browser stack and expecting it to look like the latter.
I was interpreting your initial use of the word "stored" to imply the TIF
but I think what you have written could also be construed as perhaps
referring to the browse stack, e.g Alt-V,o; if so, that would explain
why you would see pages missing from or "overwritten" in your
"browser history".

Part of the problem is that we don't have anything very specific
to talk about. Do you have a link which you could cite as an example
of the behaviour you mean? Notice that some sites are implemented
in such a way that they can not be recorded in the History (Ctrl-h).
In that case your only perception of their "History" would be the browse
stack (Alt-V,o) but that is just a way to retrace your steps using the
links you followed from any particular level. Once you make steps back
and different steps forward (which I assume is what you are getting at
with your "page5" example) all the previous forward steps are lost.
If you want them and they were recorded you might be able to reconstruct
them from the History folder's By Order Visited Today view (Ctrl-h,Alt-w,O).



Are you looking at something like page[5].htm?

no. in history folder i see abc.htm.

When the client calls abc.htm?page=1 the server returns
the first page (we call it page1). When client calls
abc.htm?page=2 the server returns the second page (we call
it page2) and so on.
After calling page1, page2 and page3 the pages stored are:
page1, page2, page3 and i can navigate them using back and
forward buttons.
But after calling page4 the pages stored becomes:
page1, page2, page4, page4.
page3 has been replaced by page4 in the history. page3 has
disappeared from browser history and using back and
forward buttons i can't see it anymore.
And so on: after calling page5 the pages stored becomes:
page1, page2, page5, page5, page5.
So, only the first two pages (page1 and page2) are
correctly stored in the browser history. The next ones are
overwritten by the last one called.


-----Original Message-----
In the browser history the pages stored are:

page1, page2, page5, page5, page5, page5

Are you looking at something like page[5].htm?

Look at the subdirectory involved then.
The number is just used to make the name unique within
each subdirectory of the Content.IE5 subfolder of the TIF.


Hi all,
if a page has a link that call the same URL, IE saves in
his history the first two pages. From the third it saves
ALWAYS the last one.

I mean:

page1 calls "abc.html?2" gives page2
page2 calls "abc.html?3" gives page3
page3 calls "abc.html?4" gives page4
page4 calls "abc.html?5" gives page5
page5 calls "abc.html?6" gives page6

In the browser history the pages stored are:

page1, page2, page5, page5, page5, page5

instead of

page1, page2, page3, page4, page5, page6.

I think this is a IE bug, isn't it?

best regards




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