BootBlock Bios



I began getting a black screen reading:

"Bootblock Bios.. Bios Rom Checksum Error... Detecting Floppy Drive A

On the first two times this happened it also read: "no keyboard detected"
and "Insert system Disk" Only after my first restart did it say "No

All I could do was shut down and attemp restarting. Many times when
restarting all it would do is start the cooling fans and CD ROM. There were
no other indication that my computer was running. No other lights (besides CD
ROM) and nothing on the monitor.

Once after restart I got a blue **STOP** screen telling me that I may need
to restart and disable bios memory options (caching or shadowing) It also

Can you please tell me what is happing and what steps I need to take to
fix this problem? Thank you. -Chris

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Chris,

You may need to take it to a shop. You have a serious hardware problem. I
would speculate that the CMOS chip has a problem that may or may not be
fixed by reflashing it with a current BIOS. Did you make any hardware
changes or alter any of the BIOS settings recently? This could also have
triggered it.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -


BootBlock Bios?? said:
I began getting a black screen reading:

"Bootblock Bios.. Bios Rom Checksum Error... Detecting Floppy Drive A
Something is seriously wrong with the BIOS ROM. This device holds the code
which the CPU executes for all BIOS functions.
You need to refer this problem to the motherboard manufacturer.


Hi Rick, I talked with a guy at a local shop here and he said to go into my
bios upon restart and then save/exit out and this might fix it. Is this what
you mean by reflashing?

No, I have not made any harware or bios changes, although, i had left my
home,with computer running, and when I returned the electricity was out in my
apt. building. ONce electricity was restored I started my computer and all
was fine, or seemed fine I should say. This was about 3 days before I started
having these problems though. One other thing.. could this be somthing cause
from a virus? AS I was talking with a friend online she sent me a link and I
clicked on. It opened and was written in a foreign language so I just closed
it. She said that she found it in her favorites and she doesn't remember
putting it there. That same night after clicking on this link is when my
problems began. Now I really don't think that my problem is result of a
virus, but it just thought it would be something else to consider. I know
from experience that data miners and such has ended up in my favorites

Thanks for your help Rick, and you also Jim, and I will try what the
suggested and if this doesn't help I'll take it to him. If this IS NOT what
you mean by reflashing then can you let me know? Thanks. -Chris

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


It doesn't sound like a virus, so I don't suspect that is it. Reflashing the
BIOS is a manner of placing a new instruction set on the system. Generally
done by working from a floppy, and usually best left to professionals. What
your guy suggested is just refreshing the existing instruction set, and
probably won't help (but can't hurt to try).

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -


hi, i have a DELL dimension 8400, n something like that hapen
at turn on the CPU (tower) nothing works, just tower´s lights and fan ,but
faster that normal, behind CPU has 4 lights with leters A B C D, if are green
everything ok, in my case leters B and C were yellow, according to the
manual those lights indicate that graphics card has problems, and the only
way to turn it off was holding power buton of the CPU, after try 3 or 4 times
the computer works again.
dou you thing guys the graphics card is the problem?
i bought it in december 04 and according to this manual says that i have to
remove it and install again but i can´t do it cause lose the warranty.
hope understand me couse i´m from Mexico.
thanks n wait for answer.


Well, if it is still under Warranty, send it back for repair or replacement.
It probably has a defective Display Card in it.
Dell Computers are Famous for DEFECTIVE PARTS!

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