Boot Disk Question/back-up Utility in WXPProsp2 question



hello all, I am hoping someone can help with this.

I used the backup utility that comes with XPPro/(i am running sp2) and used
the wizard process.

I chose the one that says you will be prompted to make a floppy once the
back-up is done.

The back up is done(i copied the whole of "C" drive onto another drive on my
machine) but there was no prompt to make a floppy.

I guess i have two questions..

1. what happened to the prompt, how do i get the wizarfd to work etc etc

2. to make my own floppy, what files should i put on it?




I believe you selected the option to backup an entire drive, the wizard
allows you to select where/what to backup to.

It maybe that you wished instead to create an ERD - ermergency rescue disk,
a floppy - This is the bottom btn on the backup welcome screen.


yes, that is button i used, the bottom one, it is the wizard called
Automated System Recovery Wizard:
The ASR preparation wizard helps you create a two part back up of your
system: a floppy disk that has your system settings, and other media that
contains a back up of your local system partition.

the above is what is says.

what it does however, is to create the backup and then it doesn;t ask me to
make the floopy, it just finishes the back up and then closes.

my question is still............ggggg

1. is there something i need to do besides what i am doing to get the ASR to
make the floppy(ie, prompt me and go through the process, whatever it is)?

2. If i make my own floppy not using the ASR wizard what should i bew
putting on it?



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