Bizarre problem viewing sent and deleted items



All of a sudden I can no longer see my deleted or sent items in Windows Mail.
The views on the folders are all set up correctly to show all and I can send
and delete OK.

If I right click on the ‘Sent’ folder it tells me the number of items in
there which increases by one every time I send a mail….I just can’t see any
of the mails. The 'Deleted' folder is even in bold indicating unread
messages....if I could see them!

Does anyone have any clues ????

Gary VanderMolen

Which antivirus are you running? Some of them are not very compatible
with Windows Mail, and cause all sorts of bizarre symptoms.


the free version of Norton AVG...

Gary VanderMolen said:
Which antivirus are you running? Some of them are not very compatible
with Windows Mail, and cause all sorts of bizarre symptoms.


Could you check if that program name is correct? I've seen a Norton
antivirus program, and an AVG antivirus program, but no program
which combines the two names.

Try clicking on one of the folders that seem to have mail missing.
Then click on View, then Current View, then Show All Messages.

Then try it on the other folder with the same problem.


sorry it's just called AVG anti virus....don't know where I got the Norton
bit from !
Tried that and nothing unfortunately....

Gary VanderMolen

Do a trial uninstall of your AVG antivirus. If no difference, you can always
reinstall. Note that AVG must be installed using its *custom* install option,
which then allows you to deselect the installation of its troublesome email
scanning module.

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