Bizarre - DataGrid inside HTML Table



Can someone please tell me why Visual Studio wants to edit my Web form when
I open it up via the designer?

This only occurs if the form is in FlowLayout mode, it contains a standard
HTML Table control and inside the table is a DataGrid Web control (freshly
dropped in from the toolbox). If you save this form, close it and reopen it
via solution explorer, Visual Studio marks it as being edited. Normally this
would not annoy me but if are using Source Safe with your project, then this
glitch starts to get frustrating because the IDE wants to check out the form
when I only want to view it, not edit it!

Thanks in advance,

Eliyahu Goldin


It as an old and very well known problem with Visual Studio Design view.

Minimize using design view. If you need to switch there, after switching
back to html view press Ctrl-Z, sometimes even twice. This will undo the
formatting mess.

VS 2005 shouldn't have this problem.



If it's a known problem then there's nothing we can do about it. Thanks for
the reply Eliyahu.


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