Billboard only shows 2 of 4 images

  • Thread starter Thread starter Latch
  • Start date Start date


I have a simple billboard made up of 4 bmps. Everything looks ok in the
Billboard & BBControl tables and Billboard control. However, during
execution, only the first 2 billboards show. I was under the impression
that each would be given equal time on-screen. Default for action is
InstallFiles, which should take the longest to complete, so there should be
ample time for the billboards.
Thanks for the response. Your suggestion has enabled me to see 3 out of the
4, but even if I pad the billboard with 4-6 copies of Billboard4, it never
shows. The ProgressTicks calc may be off beacuse of the merge modules or
reg entries, but the banners stop rotating when the progress bar gets to
about 50%. Files have finished by this time, but reg keys take up the
remaining 50% and the banners don't move during this time. Weird.

Thanks again for your help.
Sounds like you are in the same boat as I was... the file copy process takes
the first 50% of the progress while some other actions (fonts, regkeys,
etc.) take the last 50%, which probably takes just a few seconds.

One other hacky solution you could try is associating one of the BillBoard4
copies with a different action, such as the WriteRegistryValues action. I
wish I knew more on what the progress bar timing is so off.