Better integration solution of Web report

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Compatible Mozilla/4.0EmbeddedWB-

Report development is only a part of application program, therefore,
the integration of Web reporting tool is of great importance.

All the traditional Web reporting tools provide an independent report
server without exception.

The disadvantages of an independent report server:
$B!|(B The independent report server communicates with application program
via network protocol, and this degrades system performance seriously.
$B!|(B It is unable to use all the advantageous functions of application
server, such as the cluster capability, the management capability of
connection pool, etc.
$B!|(B Report server has an independent management mechanism of user
permissions, which can not adapt the requirements of particular user
role management from various industries and applications. It is
insufficient, while it force application program to obey its rules.
$B!|(B With too few APIs and weak control, it is hard to integrate.

As a professional Web report solution, RAQ Report provides integration
as Jar package to programmers. Without independent report server,
application infrastructure, and independent management mechanism of
user permissions, it can help programmers to implement integration

The advantages of no independent report server:
$B!|(B The server of RAQ report is submitted as Jar package or application
of application server. Therefore, it can get integrated with
application program seamlessly to achieve the peak operating
$B!|(B Share the cluster capability and the management capability of
connection pool of application server.
$B!|(B Make unified deployment. Use the user role management mechanism of
Web application directly to avoid the incompatible problem of two
management mechanisms. Provide a unified login screen, and end users
need not to log in twice.

This post is from freezea's blog. You are welcomed cc it anywhere, and
please indicate the source.

If you would like to read more articles about reporting tool, you are
also welcome to refer to his blog at
Idiot. What's wrong with noting that the spam was reproted? The more
reports, the more likelihood the spammers accounts will get closed.
Ignorance is bliss, isn't it?

You also don't know how to post in Plain Text? Yup, you're really
smart, you are.

If you have something to say, raise your hand and put it over your
more ignorance from our fake queenie.

as if the poster is going to come back to check.

no one here is impressed.

trademark infringement filed with Hormel.

better to spend time with your kids.

(e-mail address removed)

natalie wrote:

Spam. Reported.

You are the idiot! Go back and read the posts. There is nothing wrong with
noting spam was reported. My comment was for
the post that COMPLAINED about the reporting of the spam. Did you eat an
extra bowl of stupid this morning??
My post is in plain text as best can be. Are you also suffering from
impaired sight?