Beta2: Crash on checking meeting request calender conflict



I have a new XP SP2 installation which has only Office 2007 Beta2 Installed

Scenario for Crash.
1. Open any meeting request invitation or create a new meeting request
2. Click the Calender button from the toolbar
3. This will launch 2nd outlook window with calender
4. Without doing anything just close this 2nd windows
5. Entire outlook crashes.

There is one more option
1. In the mail folders, right click on any folder.
2. From the context menu, select "Open in New Window"
3. This launches Outlook's 2nd Window
4. Without doing anything just close this 2nd windows
5. Entire outlook crashes.

Roady [MVP]

Hmm, doesn't repro here.
What account type are you using?
What is logged to the Event Viewer?

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

I have a new XP SP2 installation which has only Office 2007 Beta2 Installed

Scenario for Crash.
1. Open any meeting request invitation or create a new meeting request
2. Click the Calender button from the toolbar
3. This will launch 2nd outlook window with calender
4. Without doing anything just close this 2nd windows
5. Entire outlook crashes.

There is one more option
1. In the mail folders, right click on any folder.
2. From the context menu, select "Open in New Window"
3. This launches Outlook's 2nd Window
4. Without doing anything just close this 2nd windows
5. Entire outlook crashes.

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