BEST Anti-Virus Freeware



My Norton subscription expired and I am not inclined to pay the renewal cost
when I have a feeling there is some good AV freeware out there. Can anyone
tell me?


Mark Warner

Jeff said:
My Norton subscription expired and I am not inclined to pay the renewal cost
when I have a feeling there is some good AV freeware out there. Can anyone
tell me?

The favorites 'round here seem to be AVG, Avast, and Anti-vir. I
personally favor AVG, but YMMV. Your choice of AV application will make
little difference if you aren't otherwise security conscious -- keeping
your OS up to date, practicing safe-hex, and using common sense will go
a long way toward protecting you from the nasties.


Jeff said:
My Norton subscription expired and I am not inclined to pay the renewal cost
when I have a feeling there is some good AV freeware out there. Can anyone
tell me?


ClamWin is a Free Antivirus for Microsoft Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003.
It provides a graphical user interface to the Clam AntiVirus engine.

ClamWin Free Antivirus uses the GNU General Public License by the Free
Software Foundation and is free (as in freedom) software. To find out
more about GNU General Public License and what it entitles you to,
please visit the following link: Philosophy of the GNU Project - Free
Software Foundation.
ClamWin Free Antivirus comes with an easy installer and open source
code at no cost. It features:

* Scanning Scheduler;
* Automatic Virus Database Updates. ClamAV team updates Virus
Databases on a regular basis and almost immediately after a new
virus/variant is out;
* Standalone Virus Scanner;
* Context Menu Integration to Microsoft Windows Explorer;
* Addin to Microsoft Outlook.

The latest version of Clamwin Free Antivirus is 0.87

Please note that ClamWin Free Antivirus does not include an on-access
real-time scanner, that is, you need to manually scan a file in order
to detect a virus. Microsoft Outlook Addin, however will delete a
virus-infected attachment automatically.

Bob Newman

Sorry if I missed it but I did register and still can't find the reviews,
where specifically on the home page is it? I did see on the left reviews
under ads by Google but it doesn't list any freeware.

Thanks in advance... Bob


The 3 main free ones are Avast, AVG and AntiVir. Avast is probably the most complehensive. I made the move away from NAV a few years ago and have never regretted it. I have used all 3 of the above without any problems..


perro said:
AVG here, 5 years and happy. Gave up on $ hungry norton.

No PI input page during install, cannot find anywhere on the website where
it says its freeware. Cannot find anywhere on the website that has the
option to input information and get a free registration seriel number. In
fact, I cannot find one single line anywhere on AVG's site that is anything
other than a charge for use. Can someone please direct me to the correct
page so that I might get a free liscence to use AVG?



Jeff said:
No PI input page during install, cannot find anywhere on the website where
it says its freeware. Cannot find anywhere on the website that has the
option to input information and get a free registration seriel number. In
fact, I cannot find one single line anywhere on AVG's site that is
other than a charge for use. Can someone please direct me to the correct
page so that I might get a free liscence to use AVG?



badgolferman said:
It seems this site requires registration now.

It seems a lot of sites want you to register and provide details about
yourself even though they swear they will safeguard those details and
not offer them to third parties. Hmmmmm - why collect them in the first
place! No sale here - they want me to access their site they open it up
without blindfolds and handcuffs.

Jim Byrd

Hi Badgolferman - Yeah, they do; however, to the best of my knowledge they
are completely reputable and will not violate your privacy.


No PI input page during install, cannot find anywhere on the website where
it says its freeware. Cannot find anywhere on the website that has the
option to input information and get a free registration seriel number. In
fact, I cannot find one single line anywhere on AVG's site that is anything
other than a charge for use. Can someone please direct me to the correct
page so that I might get a free liscence to use AVG?

Wonder what "AVG Free Edition" in the left menu means..?

Venlig hilsen / Best regards
Thore Sorensen
DK-2700 Bronshoj / DK-2620 Albertslund

(Erstat evt. AT med @ hvis du mailer direkte)

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