Batch file looses directory context



When a batch file is launched from the run command, a
popup comes up asking for permission to allow it.

On allowing it the script runs but from the system32
directory, rather than the directory of the batch file
which is the behaviour or the run command

Once the batch file has been run once and the "remember
this action" is selected the command runs correctly.

Put this in a batch file

save to not your system32 directory. and run from the
start|run look at the output on the first run (when
antispyware intevenes) and the subsequent runs (when it



Bill Wates

On allowing it the script runs but from the system32
directory, rather than the directory of the batch file
which is the behaviour or the run command

This bug is potentially catastrophic - a script could
completely mess up the system32 directory.

I disabled the script blocking feature immediately upon
noticing it.

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