Batch Email processing



I'm not sure anyone is reading my postings but I'll try again. I
think it might be because I'm using Google.. Anyway, in my
application, on each record, I have the ability to send a deliquency
notice. I have a button which creates the report, sends it as a
PDFattached to an email, notes the date and works awesome.

Now, in an effort to streamline even further, I'd like to hit one
button, on a switchboard, which will do that function for every record
that needs it. I can create the query of the records that need this
done, but I dont know how to set up the SendObject to loop through all
the results from the query.

Additionally, I'd like to then SetValue of the Date Control to today,
and Email Sent (which is a check box) to Yes...

Any help would be great appreciated...


Dave C

If I were doing it, I'd write VBA code to do it all in the background.
That'd be difficult to show without more specifics about what your code looks

Here's one solution to simply loop through the records on the form and do
the updates. The users will see the records moving, but it'll work.

You indicate you already have a button that sends the email correctly for
the record that's being displayed. In my code, I assume that button is
called SendEmailForThisRecord. I also assume you have some way of
determining that an email needs to be sent for certain records.

private sub SendAllEmails_click()
with me.recordset
while not .eof
if me.DaysSinceLastPayment.value > 30 then
call SendEmailForThisRecord_click()
end if
end with
end sub

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