basic rras setup



ive been struggling with trying to setup a basic test rras vpn setup
for a couple of weeks now. the problem is, i was never able to get the
dhcp server doling out addresses to the rras clients. instead, clients
always ended up obtaining apipa addresses after the server reports its
unable to find the dhcp server.

as i said, this is just a test box im using to gain some knowledge and
experience on the subject before attempting to design a production
solution. vital stats for this test box are as follows:
win2k3 r2 ee sp1
multi-homed (2 nics)
static, public ip's available for both nics
server roles: dc, dns, dhcp, rras, terminal services

my first goal is to setup a vanilla rras vpn (pptp) server, employing
dhcp for client addressing. can someone assist me in setting this up?

ps - in all my efforts, ive began the process using the rras server
setup wizard from the rras mmc. though new to rras, i am by no means
new to tcp/ip or windows server so i wont need a spoon. i just need
some input on where to begin from whomever is kindly enough to assist

Robert L [MS-MVP]

First of all, we don't recommend enable RRAS on a DC. Can you use static IP pool instead of DHCP?

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How to Setup Windows, Network, VPN & Remote Access on
ive been struggling with trying to setup a basic test rras vpn setup
for a couple of weeks now. the problem is, i was never able to get the
dhcp server doling out addresses to the rras clients. instead, clients
always ended up obtaining apipa addresses after the server reports its
unable to find the dhcp server.

as i said, this is just a test box im using to gain some knowledge and
experience on the subject before attempting to design a production
solution. vital stats for this test box are as follows:
win2k3 r2 ee sp1
multi-homed (2 nics)
static, public ip's available for both nics
server roles: dc, dns, dhcp, rras, terminal services

my first goal is to setup a vanilla rras vpn (pptp) server, employing
dhcp for client addressing. can someone assist me in setting this up?

ps - in all my efforts, ive began the process using the rras server
setup wizard from the rras mmc. though new to rras, i am by no means
new to tcp/ip or windows server so i wont need a spoon. i just need
some input on where to begin from whomever is kindly enough to assist


im afraid i cannot afford to rent the number of boxes recommended to
run each service i need. for now, it'll have to do. :-/

yeah, static pool works as expected.

btw, the link u provided does not seem to cover my issue. wrong link or
did i miss it?

much of the reading i did on my problems pointed to the dhcp relay
agent being the weakest link. shall i detail the previous attempts, or
would u like to just start from scratch?

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