Backing Up 'ALL' Win XP Home ?



Hi there,

I have just got a new HP notebook which has WinXP Home on it (they
even supply the 'genuine' full edition on CD too !).

What I would like to do is to backup the whole system (including the
OS) to either an external USB HD or to DVD's, so that in case of
failure of the HD (it's 100GB by the way), I can then fit a new HD and
then 'restore' the saved version with out having to start from

Any suggestions as to what combination of HD/DVD and program I can use

Thanks in advance,




Thanks for that, but I seen reports that Norton Ghost has issues with
Windows XP ?

I seem to vaguely remember a few posts about it a while ago on here !


Andrew Bailey

Hi Steve,

A little know secret is that hidden on your WindowsXP Home cd in "
CD-ROM Drive:\VALUEADD\MSFT\NTBACKUP " is the Windows Backup Utility.

It doesn't get installed by default because it was primarily designed for
the Pro version but once installed it will do what you need it to do.

Just be aware that the "Automated System Recovery" mode wont work as the
Home version doesn't have the option to insert the recovery floppy disk
during an OS install. This shouldn't be too much of a problem as this method
(although super easy) does have a major drawback in that it recreates your
drive exactly, so if you bought a 120GB drive it would only format and
partition one 100GB drive (as per your current drive) and you would have to
use something like Partition Magic to reclaim the rest back.

So use the standard backup method and select a minimum of "Drive C:" and
"System State".

Then to recover after a drive change you have to install WindowsXP Home,
Update the OS using Windows Update website to the same service pack level of
the backup (Very important) eg: SP1 or SP2, reinstall the backup utility
from your WinXP Home cd and then choose the restore option.

You can store the backup image anywhere you like, for example burn it to a

Hope this helps


Richard Urban

The last two versions of Ghost (9 and 10) have no problem with Windows XP.
Spring for the latest version.


Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!

Bruce Chambers

Steve said:
Hi there,

I have just got a new HP notebook which has WinXP Home on it (they
even supply the 'genuine' full edition on CD too !).

What I would like to do is to backup the whole system (including the
OS) to either an external USB HD or to DVD's, so that in case of
failure of the HD (it's 100GB by the way), I can then fit a new HD and
then 'restore' the saved version with out having to start from

Any suggestions as to what combination of HD/DVD and program I can use

Thanks in advance,


Try Image for Windows from It
will enable you to create bootable CDs from which to restore your system.


Bruce Chambers

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