Automatically date stamp filename when save?



Is it possible to have Word automatically save a doc under a new filename
with a current date - time stamp automatically appear in the new filename.
I'm having difficulty juggling different versions of a master doc and the
"Save as version" option just isn't cutting it.


Robert M. Franz (RMF)

Hi Sync-opy

Sync-opy said:
Is it possible to have Word automatically save a doc under a new filename
with a current date - time stamp automatically appear in the new filename.

See for instance:

I'm having difficulty juggling different versions of a master doc and the
"Save as version" option just isn't cutting it.

_That_ really does not surprise me: you definitely do *not* want to mix
master documents and Word's internal versions feature. Either one is
difficult at best, prone to corrupt your documents if handled badly --
together, I don't think you will find many people wanting to test this
combo ... :)



Thanks! That was exactly what I was looking for. I actually navigated to
and downloaded your add-in macros and I am using that. One more question
though: is it possible to have the filename include the time of the save in
addition to the date and version number?

Thanks again! this is so helpful compared to the other options!

Graham Mayor

Yes adding the time is easy enough.
Define another string at the start

Dim strTime As String

Then under the line
strDate = Format((Date), "dd MMM yyyy")
strTime = Format((Time), " hhmm")
then near the end locate and change the following lines thus:

'Define the new version filename
strVersionName = strPath & "\" & strFile & " - Version " & _
Format(iCount, "00#") & " - " & strDate & strTime & ".doc"

Do not use a colon between hours and minutes in the line strTime=

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thanks that worked great!

Graham Mayor said:
Yes adding the time is easy enough.
Define another string at the start

Dim strTime As String

Then under the line
strDate = Format((Date), "dd MMM yyyy")
strTime = Format((Time), " hhmm")
then near the end locate and change the following lines thus:

'Define the new version filename
strVersionName = strPath & "\" & strFile & " - Version " & _
Format(iCount, "00#") & " - " & strDate & strTime & ".doc"

Do not use a colon between hours and minutes in the line strTime=

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Hi Graham,

After many months of using your Save Numbered Versions macro (it has been a
lifesaver!), I have one more question in terms of its alteration. I have
tried without success to accomplish this on my own. Basically, is there a
way to alter the code such that the saved file would be named in this manner:
Filename - Date Time - Version 00#
Instead of:
Filename - Version 00# - Date Time

I ask simply because when looking up the most recent file in my windows
folder, it would be easier to sort by name and have the most recent file at
the top or bottom of the list. As it is now, because the version # starts
over for each subsequent date I save, the list is sorted by Version # first,
the date, making it more difficult to easily pick out the most recent file.

In any case, this macro has made my life so much easier and I thank you!


Graham Mayor

The filename is setup in the line:

strVersionName = strPath & "\" & strFile & " - Version " & _
Format(iCount, "00#") & " - " & strDate & ".doc"

You can re-order that to give you the required filename:

strVersionName = strPath & "\" & strFile & " - " & strDate & _
" - Version " & Format(iCount, "00#") & ".doc"

However if you simply change this, the resulting filename will not be
changed as an earlier line

intPos = InStrRev(strFile, " - Version") 'Mark the version number

locates the old version number which allows the macro to strip everything
from this point ready to redefine the filename later.. Version would now be
in the wrong place in the string, so you can change that line to

intPos = InStr(strFile, " - ") 'Mark the version number

(Note the use of InStr rather than InStrRev also)

which will find the first hyphen surrounded by spaces. Note that you cannot
use a hyphen surrounded by spaces in your filenames or the results will be
unpredictable. One of the reasons I used the original order was the hope
that Version would be unique in the filename and could be used as a market
to redefine the filename.

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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