


When Autofilter is "on" the column filtered has the down arrow turned blue. I
have difficulty seeing blur. Is there a way to change the color to let's say


i dont think there is a way to change the colour of the drop down arrow
there is a way to make the arrow visible / invisible. and there is als
a function that would colour that cell (column header) for whic
autofilter is on.

this is from excel help, to make the dropdown arrow invisible. you ca
use this to hide all the column headers that currently do not hav
autofilter on.

Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").AutoFilter _
field:=1, _

the following function, in conjunction with conditional formatting
will colour that column header cell for which autofilter is currentl
on (a criterion has been set).

Public Function CheckFilter(rngCell As Range)

Dim lngClmOfst As Long 'variable to hold column offset fo
the whole filter range
Dim rngFilter As Range 'variable to hold the whole filte
Dim ws As Worksheet

Set ws = rngCell.Parent 'deriving the sheet to which th
cell belongs

On Error Resume Next

If ws.FilterMode = False Then Exit Function 'if the whole sheet i
not in filtermode

'set the autofilter range into the variable
Set rngFilter = ws.AutoFilter.Range

'check if the activecell falls within the filter range
If Intersect(rngCell.EntireColumn, rngFilter) Is Nothing Then Exi

'derive the column offset of the activecell for the filter range
lngClmOfst = rngCell.Column - rngFilter.Columns(1).Column + 1

If ws.AutoFilter.Filters(lngClmOfst).On Then

CheckFilter = "Y"

End If

End Function

select the column header. go to conditional formatting. select Formul
Is. enter: =CHECKFILTER(A1)="Y" - and select a colour

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