Auto Reply Message Is Only Sent Once



I'm using version '03 and the problem I am having is the Out of Office
Assistant only responds to each sender once letting them know I am out of the
office. Is this how Out of Office Auto Replies Work? Thinking it was, I
instead created a rule to do just about the same thing, but again it only
sends the message to each sender once. Again, is this a feature (problem)
with Outlook? Is there any way to tell Outlook to send the Auto Reply/Out of
Office Replies multiple times to the same sender? By the way I'm using
Exchange with Outlook '03. If this isn't how Outlook should be handling Out
of Office/Auto Replies what would your suggestion be? We have many faculty
that need to be replied to many times because they forget I'm gone...
Thanks for your help

Roady [MVP]

Answered your post of 5 minutes later

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-What do the Outlook Icons Mean?
-Create an Office 2003 CD slipstreamed with Service Pack 1

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