Auto Email Alerts



In our company's database we have a 'jobs' form which all the work that the
company has to do is logged. Each job is assigned to a person within the
company. At the beggining of the day i filter the jobs data and send them
each an email with info on the jobs they have outstanding. I was trying to
figure out a way this could be done automatically but have no idea where to

Any help much appreciated.



table of jobs - [jobs]
form of jobs - [jobform]
list of personnel - [engineers]
email - outlook express
access - 2003


Your question is somewhat general........I am guessing that you filter your
data through a query. I would make a report based on the query and then you
can use the send object macro...or VB command to generate an e-mail with the
report attached as a SNP document. I do this with my database and it works

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