Auto COmplete and getting rid of histories


Browser Man

We have several computers on a network. We are going to
the TOOLS....Internet Options window and on the GENERAL
tab choosing to Delete All offline files and then choosing
SETTINGS...View files and then select all and delete all
files AND cookies, and then selecting the CLEAR HISTORY
button.... everything should be wiped out.

But autocomplete is still filling in with some old stuff
from somewhere. HOW DO I GET RID OF THESE OLD
AUTOCOMPLETE ENTRIES? I know how to turn Auto Complete
OFF, and I've gone to the Auto Complete area and chosen to
CLEAR all passwords and forms. Still there are some
website addresses and even some local F or C drive file
address/name listings.

I haven't a clue how to clean these out so when AUTO
COMPLETE is turned on (I want to leave it on!) nothing
comes up.



Browser man,

You say you've tried this: Internet options>content tab>autocomplete
button>autocomplete settings> and then unchecked the box (most important of
the two) web addresses. Still getting auto complete after that? In the
advanced tab of internet properties is a scroll down to disable *inline*
autocomplete for web addresses, but as I understand it, this command plays a
back seat to the content tab command. So, I am somewhat baffled as to how
this could be happening. Take a look at this freeware program and assess if
it is suitable.

general description
I believe this is version 1.07

You can give this a look and see if it's for you and your issue.

Best of Luck

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