Audit Trail Error



I've been trying to get the Audit Trail code to work the last couple of days
and have followed the instructions on

I've checked the module code and the form code and fixed all the bugs I've
seen from other posts. But I keep getting an error that it can not find my
audID field in the statement : Call AuditEditBegin("Contacts",
"AudTmpContacts", "audID", Nz(Me!audID, 0), bWasNewRecord)

If anyone one has experience with this Audit Trail code I would appreciate
some input.


Allen Browne

Do you really have a field named "audID" in your form?

If so, it is not going to work with that code, because it uses that field
name for a special purpose in the audit table. Rename your key field to
something else.

If your key field is actually called something like ContactID, use:
Call AuditEditBegin("Contacts", "AudTmpContacts", "ContactID", _
Nz(Me!ContactID, 0), bWasNewRecord)


Hi Allen,

Thanks for the tip...I figured it was going to be something crazy like that.
It looks like its going to be a great tool for us. Thanks for sharing the


Hi again Allen,
Thanks for your help, the Audit Trail works fine now. I mis-read your
instructions and had the audID switched with the primary key on our Contacts
table. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year down-under!

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