Assigning control source of a label ?


Eddy Fontaine


Pls help an access newbie ;-)

I am using access 2003

I created a tabular report using the wizard, based on a Table
Preview of report page : layout & values => OK.

I added a label manually to that report, and i want to have the
label.caption to show a value out of another table...

I tried to set the control source property set to that oder table.field,
to a working query and by typing a sql query
directly in the control source property ;-((

All i can get is :
Or an error, or a popup window asking me de string value
or a blank text...

I "googled" a bit, but didn't find info up to now...

How should i proceed ?


Allen Browne

In design view, right-click the label, and choose:
Change To | Text Box

It now has a Control Source.

Could you add the other table to the report's Record Source query so that
the field is available?

If not, use DLookup() to read the value from the field in the other table.
Details in:
Getting a value from a table: DLookup()

Eddy Fontaine

Thanks Allen !
I cannot try the DLookup() right now, but i had a look
to your casual & tips web pages ... : SUPER !

If i don't find the solution there ... ;-)

Thanks for spending some of your time
answering ( probably same ) questions
to newbies, again & again...


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