ASP.NET and .NET Framework 2.0

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No one seems to know the answers to these questions or they're just not

I downloaded and installed .NET Framework 2.0 and along with it came
ASP.NET. .NET Framework 2.0 wrecked havoc with my video programs so I
uninstalled it and reverted back to 1.1. I have 2 problems that have
resulted from these actions. I still get updates for .NET Framework 2.0 from
Microsoft. What do I need to do to stop these automatic updates? Also,
since I no longer have/use .NET Framework 2.0, can I uninstal ASP.NET?

Yea -- its a big conspiracy and nobody wants to tell.

But really, your experience is so wierd and sounds like one of those times
that requires going way far back uninstalling all releases of the framework
and then reinstalling all framework releases all over again.

We have all had our own problems in some way exactly like this so to cheer
you up all I can say is "I'm certainly glad I'm not you right now." ;-)

<%= Clinton Gallagher
NET csgallagher AT
MAP 43°2'17"N 88°2'37"W : 43°2'17"N 88°2'37"W
Well, I hope that you're not calling me a liar. I installed .NET Framework
2.0 and immediately my video programs had problems. In a Microsoft forum,
several months ago, I asked what I could expect by updating to 2.0. I was
told that I wouldn't see much difference. For the past week, I've gone from
forum to forum here at Microsoft and no one has answered my questions. Two
people responded to this post but only because I purposely provoked a
response and you two took the bait and I thank you for it because I finally
received some kind of response, even if not a thoughtful one. But you
didn't respond to my other question so I'll rephrase it. Since I no longer
have .NET Framework 2.0 running in my computer, why in heaven's name is
Microsoft uploading and installing updates for it? It's kind of like sending
suntan lotion to an Eskimo in winter.

Your answer is both wrong and right. Nobody at any of the other Microsoft
forums responded to my questions. Talk about conspiracy, what do you call
WMATray? I call it a gigantic hole in pc security and got rid of it.

Secondly, I had 1.0/1.1 for 3-1/2 years. As I explained to the other
responder, approximately 5 months ago I questioned a forum about the changes
that I might see in the performance of my pc if up upgraded to 2.0 and I was
told that I would see no difference. You see, I just don't go nilly-willy
installing/uninstalling programs in my pc as some people do, and those who do
are the ones who are usually most vocal about the hazards of doing so. Since
the forum's response was favorable, I downloaded and installed 2.0 and my pc
had an immediate negative reaction to it, so there was no doubt in my mind
what caused some of my video programs to run erratically or not at all. If
this wasn't the case I would have stated so, but I'm looking for help and by
telling lies, I wouldn't get answers that would help me.

Your response reminds me of an old adage . . . if you have nothing good to
say, don't say anything at all.

And I can honestly say that this is another Microsoft forum that I've come
to for help to resolve the problems that I'm having with ASP.NET (a security
breach in itself, according to Microsoft "(MS06-0933) Vulnerability in
ASP.NET Could Allow Information Disclosure." It also provided this link
regarding vulnerability in ASP.NET:

Therefore, my two questions are still on the floor. Since I no longer run
..NET Framework 2.0, what do I have to do to stop receiving updates for it,
and do I need ASP.NET for v 1.0/1.1? Another question . . . if I uninstall
it, what would the raminifications be? Is there anybody here who is smart
enough and maybe brave enough to know and hopefully give me the answers to
these questions?

Well, I hope that you're not calling me a liar.

Not at all.

What I said was :
"Unless your "video programs" use the .Net Framework, I doubt that."

The reason is that the .Net Framework doesn't install *anything*
related to video quality nor video rendering nor video driver-related.

Ask other people...and check that out.

Since I no longer have .NET Framework 2.0 running in my computer,
why in heaven's name is Microsoft uploading and installing updates for it?

Did you uninstall it completely ?

Check your browser's user agent at my site:

Look at the last line, and see if the .Net Framework 2.0 user agent ID is there.

If ".NET CLR 2.0.50727" is still in your user agent string,
you haven't uninstalled it completely.

Juan T. Llibre, MVP : faq :
foros de, en español :
I can't explain to you why my pc reacted the way it did when I installed 2.0.
I can only tell you what it did when I installed it. In addition, I can't
run or even install Quicktime or iTunes. Quicktime immediately has to shut
down and iTunes gives me a message that there was a fatal error. So I
uninstalled them and deleted the programs and won't ever install them again.
I don't need them and I can easily do without them. Rhetorical question: why
did my pc act this way toward Quicktime and iTunes? My point is that pc's
have quirks. I'm trying to iron out this one. To tell me that 2.0 shouldn't
have caused a problem with my video files is incorrect because video programs
in my pc immediately reacted negatively after I installed 2.0. If you don't
believe me, then you can't help me with my question regarding 2.0 except to
explain to me how I can stop receiving updates for this program which is no
longer running in my pc.

My other question is, can I uninstall ASP.NET without negative side-effects?
As I understand it, ASP.NET is needed for 2.0. Since I don't have 2.0, is
it just taking up room in my pc or does it serve a function?

Please give me answers to my questions without telling me that what I've
said couldn't have possibly happened. I won't argue the point with you since
you don't believe me but you should know the answers to my questions.
They're pretty basic and simple questions for ASP.NET gurus I should think .

Well, I practically live in the newsgroups and I've never heard anybody have
anything to say about the framework interferring with video drivers or video
"programs" -- yet -- so maybe if you were a bit more specific about what
"programs" somebody with specific knowledge may be able to comment.

As for other comments I told you the facts of life. Many of us have had to
uninstall all versions of the framework going back to day one to make sure
everything has been uninstalled and then reinstall all over again. If you
think you get to avoid this think again because it can even get worse. Some
of us have had to do it twice.

For example, you may think you have uninstalled 2.0 but you say your machine
is still trying to update. Well, hypothetically, nobody says 2.0 included
its own service to perform that function. It could be that a service
installed with 1.1 was configured to do so when you installed 2.0. Who
knows? This is why you may need to uninstall all releases of the framework.

Many application vendors are now writing to the framework. Applications for
defragmentation, imaging and video card configuration managers I know for
certain and more to come. The choice to remove all instances of the
framework are yours to make but its getting to the point that we won't be
able to effectively use a Windows machine without the framework installed.

So trust me snotty-pants, I really do have empathy for your current problem
and swear at least once a week I am going to buy a Mac and go back to *nix.
At times like this you need to recover your sense of humor and your humanity
or Windows will eat you alive.

<%= Clinton
After reading this thread, I suspect your video drivers have been corrupted.
Boot to safe mode and deinstall them. Then reboot to safe mode followed by
a power cycle. When windows comes back up, reinstall your video drivers and
reboot. I'm still baffled as to how the .NET framework caused this problem.

Mike Ober.
Your initial response seemed to be more flippant and accusatory. I was never
told nor did the instructions state that v 1.0/1.1 was to be uninstalled
prior to installing 2.0.

To give you the information that you requested, which is unrelated to my
questions and won't help you give me the informaion that I've requested, I
use my DVD ROM drive to watch and backup my DVDs. I use DVD Decrypter and
AutoGK. Since it's a vcd/svcd drive, I don't burn any files that are stored
in my pc. Decrypting and changing VOB sets or the IFO file into an .avi file
were affected. They basically stopped working. This is the complete extent
of the problems that I encountered that I can remember but this happened 5
months ago and I might have forgotten other problems that arose when I
installed 2.0. It's not just now that I've been seeking help with this
problem. I've been searching for 5 months, since it happened. Your response
to me was stated in such a manner as if I think that I didn't have to
properly install 2.0 by first uninstalling 1.0/1.1, which is furthest from
the truth. All of the responses that I have received have been derogatory
instead of an attempt to help, and I've had to glean the information from the
responses, but the responses still didn't give me the information that I

I'll state my questions again. I don't want v 2.0. I want to stop
receiving updates to 2.0. I want to know if I can remove ASP.NET without it
adversely affecting my computer. If any forum should know the answers to
these questions, it's the Microsoft ASP.NET forum, so please just answer my

Your initial response seemed to be more flippant and accusatory.

"Seems" is right. "Flippant and accusatory" it never was.
Do you often have arguments where you accuse others of accusing you of "lying" ?

I want to know if I can remove ASP.NET without it adversely affecting my computer.

You sure can, but I don't think you'll be satisfied with *any* anwer..

To be on the safe side, given that you've had problems,
backup all your data and format the partition/reinstall everything.

*That* will be the sure solution and it's not all that painful, really.
I must have done that 50 times in the last 3 years ( I beta test a lot ).

Juan T. Llibre, MVP : faq :
foros de, en español :
Your answer is both wrong and right. Nobody at any of the other Microsoft
forums responded to my questions. Talk about conspiracy, what do you call
WMATray? I call it a gigantic hole in pc security and got rid of it.

Secondly, I had 1.0/1.1 for 3-1/2 years. As I explained to the other
responder, approximately 5 months ago I questioned a forum about the changes
that I might see in the performance of my pc if up upgraded to 2.0 and I was
told that I would see no difference. You see, I just don't go nilly-willy
installing/uninstalling programs in my pc as some people do, and those who do
are the ones who are usually most vocal about the hazards of doing so. Since
the forum's response was favorable, I downloaded and installed 2.0 and my pc
had an immediate negative reaction to it, so there was no doubt in my mind
what caused some of my video programs to run erratically or not at all. If
this wasn't the case I would have stated so, but I'm looking for help and by
telling lies, I wouldn't get answers that would help me.

Your response reminds me of an old adage . . . if you have nothing good to
say, don't say anything at all.

And I can honestly say that this is another Microsoft forum that I've come
to for help to resolve the problems that I'm having with ASP.NET (a security
breach in itself, according to Microsoft "(MS06-0933) Vulnerability in
ASP.NET Could Allow Information Disclosure." It also provided this link
regarding vulnerability in ASP.NET:

Therefore, my two questions are still on the floor. Since I no longer run
.NET Framework 2.0, what do I have to do to stop receiving updates for it,
and do I need ASP.NET for v 1.0/1.1? Another question . . . if I uninstall
it, what would the raminifications be? Is there anybody here who is smart
enough and maybe brave enough to know and hopefully give me the answers to
these questions?


Actually everyone here is pretty smart. Whether they have the
knowledge you need is another question. I, for instance, have no idea
what video programs framework 2.0 messed up. I'd be interested in
increasing my knowledge in this area just in case someone writes in
who might rate an answer.

Generally, when I need to clean up a machine, I format. If those video
programs,whatever they are, are reasonably common, I don't know why
you are having the problem and no one else is. I'd like to know.
I would only tell a person who calls me a liar that I'm not. If that's means
that I was arguing, I guess I was.

I am satisfied with answers if and when I receive them, which hasn't
happened until I was advised that a reformat is the best possible solution.
Simple, direct and do-able. It's all I ever asked for.

Now I'd like to know why all of the answers on the Microsoft forums are so
insulting? Are all of your noses stuck so high up in the air that you're all
bending over with your heads up your a$$es? Now I have some good advice for
you. People come here for help, not to be insulted. It would be best if you
all remembered that because someday you're going to need help and what goes
around, comes around, and don't spit into the wind.

People come here for help, not to be insulted.

The point is weren't "insulted".

You were, merely, told a technical truth:
that installing the .Net Framework doesn't affect video drivers.

You took that as an "insult". It wasn't an insult.

All that your reaction shows is that you are unwilling to face the truth,
and the truth is that the .Net Framework doesn't impact video drivers.

I'd like to know why all of the answers on the Microsoft forums are so insulting?

Are they ?
You should look into why you make that type of accusation so easily.

I took the liberty of looking up a few of your posts in several newsgroups.
It seems the feeling "insulted" is a quite common theme in your posts.

Good bye.

Juan T. Llibre, MVP : faq :
foros de, en español :
Just few days ago I was struggling to install Visual Studio 2005 on a
Windows 2000 Pro machine. VS2005 didn't want to start installation without
Windows 2000 Service Pack 4. After installation SP4, the machine produced a
blue screen on startup. I was able to find the culprit. It was my FlyVideo
'98 video driver. After disabling it, the problem's gone.

The conflict was between my old video driver and the Windows 2000 SP4.

Could be in your case you are having a conflict between your video
facilities and some updates that were done to your Windows during the dotnet
2.0 installation. Since it's unlikely that dotnet uninstall would uninstall
also Windows updates, they stay.

You may get better response with more details on generic windows newsgroups.
<snip />


I can cope with personality issues so don't worry about offending me
(personally, I put more emphasis on a person's character than their
personality) but...I'm not a mind reader and neither is anybody else. So
from now on I really hope you understand how important it is to clearly
state the problem and before posting try to remember to re-read to make sure
you really expressed the problem clearly.

Despite this advice being repeated over and over and over and over failure
to express the problem clearly appears to be the #1 reason why so many
questions may be ignored. People who do not speak or write English as their
native language get a free pass but native speakers are asked to not be an
@ss. I should have been a poet huh? ;-)

Failure to ask the right question is probably #2. Telling somebody off is
probably #3. Who knows? Just take #1 and #2 more seriously than #3 and I
think you'll learn a lot more.

As for your problem? I don't have anymore suggestions but to inform you of
what I have learned. Go read what I said again about vendors writing to the
framework. With video card vendors they write their management interface
using .NET but the drivers themselves? Probably Assembly Language with a COM
interface written in C++. The user interface that is used to setup and
manage the settings is what is being developed using .NET.

For example my dev machine has an ATI Radeon card and their Catalyst
software is written in .NET. Is Catalyst a POS? Yes. Its flakey, it crashes,
it hangs, it resets itself, it loses its configuration settings and when
trying to put things back together it just doesn't want to even function. At
all. Some "buttons" can be selected and others not for example. Bottom line
ATI software is FUBAR and I've had to uninstall and reinstall three times in
as many years. No matter where I've tried seeking information I've never
been able to track down the problem.

I've had this problem using this particular ATI card since installng XP Pro
when it was first released. That's several years now. The most useful advice
I've read was from Michael Ober who suggested uninstalling the video drivers
and reinstalling followed by my advice to do the same with ALL instances of
the framework if neccessary.

<%= Clinton Gallagher
NET csgallagher AT
MAP 43°2'17"N 88°2'37"W : 43°2'17"N 88°2'37"W