Asp.Net 2.0 Skin Problem




I created an Asp.Net 2.0 which contains a custom control.

I compiled the project and now I am using it in a web site.

The custom control contains a Panel, a Label and an Image.

Here is how the custom control code starts:

' Assembly Tag Prefix
<Assembly: TagPrefix("ByMe.Web.UI.WebControls", "ByMe")>

' -- [Namespace] -------------------------------------------

' WebControls
Namespace WebControls

' -- [Classes] -------------------------------------------

<Themeable(True), DefaultProperty("ID"), ToolboxData("<{0}:Feedback
runat=server></{0}:Feedback>")> _
Public Class Feedback
Inherits WebControl
Implements INamingContainer


I tried to add this custom control to my web site skin file:

<ByMe:Feedback runtat="server" />

However, I get the following error when I run the web site:

Parser Error Message: Literal content ('<ByMe:Feedback
runtat="server" />') is not allowed within a 'skin file'.

Does anyone has any idea why is this happening?

Thank You,




I corrected that and now I get a new error:
Parser Error Message: Unknown server tag 'ByMe:Feedback'.

I don't know what is going on.
I added the library to the toolbox and dragged and instance to my page.
The following code was placed:

<%@ Register Assembly="ByMe.Web.UI" Namespace="ByMe.Web.UI.WebControls"
TagPrefix="ByMe" %>
<ByMe:Feedback ID="Feedback1" runat="server" />

Why do I get the parse problem with the Skin file?

Do you really have "runtat=server" or do you have "runat=server"?

Dale Preston

shapper said:

I created an Asp.Net 2.0 which contains a custom control.

I compiled the project and now I am using it in a web site.

The custom control contains a Panel, a Label and an Image.

Here is how the custom control code starts:

' Assembly Tag Prefix
<Assembly: TagPrefix("ByMe.Web.UI.WebControls", "ByMe")>

' -- [Namespace] -------------------------------------------

' WebControls
Namespace WebControls

' -- [Classes] -------------------------------------------

<Themeable(True), DefaultProperty("ID"), ToolboxData("<{0}:Feedback
runat=server></{0}:Feedback>")> _
Public Class Feedback
Inherits WebControl
Implements INamingContainer


I tried to add this custom control to my web site skin file:

<ByMe:Feedback runtat="server" />

However, I get the following error when I run the web site:

Parser Error Message: Literal content ('<ByMe:Feedback
runtat="server" />') is not allowed within a 'skin file'.

Does anyone has any idea why is this happening?

Thank You,


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