Tagprefix to my server controls



I'd like to set the tagprefix of my server controls automatically when
they are dragged to the webform.

My code reads

<Assembly: TagPrefix("CtrlLib", "abc")>
Namespace CtrlLib

<DefaultProperty("Text"), ToolboxData("<{0}:TextBoxPlus
runat=server></{0}:TextBoxPlus>")> _
Public Class TextBoxPlus : Inherits

However, after adding the control to the toolbox and dragging the
control to the webform the tagprefix still reads <cc1:TextBoxPlus ...

What am I missing?


Craig Deelsnyder

I'd like to set the tagprefix of my server controls automatically when
they are dragged to the webform.
However, after adding the control to the toolbox and dragging the
control to the webform the tagprefix still reads <cc1:TextBoxPlus ...

What am I missing?


for 1.x?

note the issue mentioned in the comments, that all controls with the same
prefix have to be in same assembly...not a huge deal, most times you are
using 1 assembly. dunno if 2.x does it differently...

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