ASCII characters chart



OK, I may be in the wrong group - but - don't flame me!
I am looking for the - ASCII characters chart - managed to find page 1 -
but I know - there more pages out there.
Any help here?

Big Al

Hunibal said:
OK, I may be in the wrong group - but - don't flame me!
I am looking for the - ASCII characters chart - managed to find page 1 -
but I know - there more pages out there.
Any help here?
How many times do you want to ask this question. Did you look at the
replies on your first post this morning?


Big Al said:
How many times do you want to ask this question. Did you look at the
replies on your first post this morning?

I never did - or do = see my earlier posting - so I had to ask again.

Sorry for the inconvenience


Not give up just want to have - rest - of the pages.
I know, they are out there - but where?

Big Al

Hunibal said:
I never did - or do = see my earlier posting - so I had to ask again.

Sorry for the inconvenience
No inconvenience. Odd though, I did a search on google groups and you
know, only this thread shows up. Yet your first message, at least in
my reader (thunderbird) shows 2 responses. And I see you have OE so
I'm not sure why that didn't pull the messages off the server like mine
did. Hmmmm yet they are not there in google. Really odd.


Hunibal said:
OK, I may be in the wrong group - but - don't flame me!
I am looking for the - ASCII characters chart - managed to find page
1 - but I know - there more pages out there.
Any help here?

Did you try the built-in character map?


[I re-arranged your post so you would not be accused of being a top-posting
Actually, a good Google search will find it.

Right. But the OP said twice he couldn't figure out what Google returned.


[I re-arranged your post so you would not be accused of being a top-posting
Actually, a good Google search will find it.

Right. But the OP said twice he couldn't figure out what Google returned.

Then the OP needs to take the time to learn and not have others do the
work he/she should be able to do.

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