Arrays/Literal Notation



I was not being prescriptive but simply describing what I observe in other
Micorosft newsgroups, expecially the Excel one. I have obertved this high and
mighty put down attitude in non Microsoft sites ( e.g, say Oracle) and it can
a a big surprise here.

You are absolutely right, I could have simply ignored Barry's reply and the
one that followed it and waited ... for the one from Mythran.


Barry, note that I said Barry's *reply*, not Barry to which your response is
'perhaps others will ignore *you* too'. Why so personal? Be that as it may.

I still don't think that the last sentence added anything to your reply and
it provoked my response, perhaps, I will concede, a little harsh and was
prompted by the other post that simply said 'Homework?' Water under the
bridge and all that!

If I am (or questions from me are ignored), what can I say? This kind of
concensus is unlikely (others did respond in this same thread) and of course
there are plenty of materials on the web and in print and other forums
(including another Microsoft C# forum) from which to glean answers. For what
it is worth, your response was timely and useful up to the last sentence and
the useful part was conveyed better (to me) by the post from Mythran.

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