The problem with the stock/standard reply about anyone who prefers Linux
They can thank piracy and Windows is becoming less popular. Myself, for
example. I never thought I would use anything but Windows until MS tricked
me into downloading WGA(N), disguising it as a "critical" update.
C'mon now, are you seriously saying that until that point everythign was
hunkydory and you had no other issues until then?
Microsoft are in the business of SELLING A PRODUCT, they are not in the
business of giving things away for free, but... they have done it in a way
that was so predictable that I just laugh when people are moaning about how
they are protecting their operating systems and software.
They released DOS, WINDOWS etc, KNOWING (in my mind) that if you get
software out to people, who would then copy it and give it to friends and
family, what better way to get a userbase used to yoru product. As the years
rolled on, MS continued to invest their cash in improving their (buggy?
unfinished/ongoing) software until it got to a stage they KNEW they world
was tied in, business and personal wise people all used the same thing. When
this was established, what beter way of starting to get some serious money
in than to protect the product.
YOU may not like it, and I have to be honest and say that the cost of the
operating systems is WAY OVERPRICED in my mind, BUT, I can understand that
they are trying to make money, as a business thats the only reason the
exist, not to make you or I happy!
LOL! You're wrong. It is user friendly, Windows programs can be run in
WINE and you can get direct support on IRC, not like some snooty MS MVP
who tells you Google is your friend. I can see you've never installed
Ubuntu. Try it and then get back to us.
I am not wrong.
I have tried out many versions of Linux to see if I could actually find a
reason to swap systems around, and it left me cold.
Each version of Linux you load up looks different.
The "Average User" needs to have something that conforms to a certain
standard look and feel, though Microsoft do seem to be chopping and changing
this around these days and IT IS causing a lot of problems for users and
also for people dealing with frontline technical support.
Why would I want to run Windows programs in WINE? Why not just bypass the
kludge and use the operating system they are designed for?
Bottom line for me is that you have to take on board everyone's views and
needs, and I do respect and appreciate your feelings towards the Linux
Why not put forward your points for Linux to see if other people on here
would seriously think of moving from Vista or XP to it?
As it is, I'm now having to install and learn Vista because a year down the
line my clients will have it, and I make money from them... I would not make
a penny if they had Linux!!!
Pretty obvious really why there is a market for MS apps then is it not?
Enjoy using what you use and let others experience your delights, but we all
differ and that's all part of the fun!