Scott Kelly
I have an XPe device that has almost a full load of XPe (WinLogon, Shells,
etc). I have read that Windows Update does not work for XPe.
I have also read that you can use Device Update Agent (DUA) to have the XPe
device poll some remote server and pull down updates and apply them.
I would like to do something a little different. My device has a hard drive
and we have software that allows us to place files on the system hard drive.
1-- Can you simply copy the file (like Q811279_XPE_SP2_X86_ENU.exe) to the
XPe system and run it? I know I can take that file and run it on my
development machine and then manage the project with .SLDs. I was hoping
for a way to just apply them to the device.
2-- If not, then can I copy the file to the device's hard drive and then run
a simply update command script to apply it.
//Execute the QFE installer in quiet mode with no reboot
15,0,0,0,d:\dua\Q811279_XPE_SP2_X86_ENU.exe,0,/q:a /r:n,1,
//Delete the QFE installer
3-- Can DUA be set to poll a local hard drive? I believe it can. Or, can
we instead just start the DUA service when we have copied an update to the
hard drive? This seems to make more sense. Less CPU wastage when no updates
are around.
To throw another variable into the mix... we are running EWF to protect my
C: drive where the XPe is loaded. My application is running on D: drive.
By default, on every boot, we set:
ewfmgr c: -restore
4-- It would seem like in the update command script we would need to set EWF
to commit before running the update and then have the system reboot. Any
etc). I have read that Windows Update does not work for XPe.
I have also read that you can use Device Update Agent (DUA) to have the XPe
device poll some remote server and pull down updates and apply them.
I would like to do something a little different. My device has a hard drive
and we have software that allows us to place files on the system hard drive.
1-- Can you simply copy the file (like Q811279_XPE_SP2_X86_ENU.exe) to the
XPe system and run it? I know I can take that file and run it on my
development machine and then manage the project with .SLDs. I was hoping
for a way to just apply them to the device.
2-- If not, then can I copy the file to the device's hard drive and then run
a simply update command script to apply it.
//Execute the QFE installer in quiet mode with no reboot
15,0,0,0,d:\dua\Q811279_XPE_SP2_X86_ENU.exe,0,/q:a /r:n,1,
//Delete the QFE installer
3-- Can DUA be set to poll a local hard drive? I believe it can. Or, can
we instead just start the DUA service when we have copied an update to the
hard drive? This seems to make more sense. Less CPU wastage when no updates
are around.
To throw another variable into the mix... we are running EWF to protect my
C: drive where the XPe is loaded. My application is running on D: drive.
By default, on every boot, we set:
ewfmgr c: -restore
4-- It would seem like in the update command script we would need to set EWF
to commit before running the update and then have the system reboot. Any