Anyone using lotus notes automation classes




Has anyone been able to work with lotus notes automation classes???

Can you post sample code of how to use these classes. I have setup in VB but
I am not able to port
to C# This is what I have so far - I cannot create a session and not sure
how to setup From/Subject


object Session , DB , Memo, Item;

string Server, Mailfile, strSubject,strDest, strCopy, strFilename;

lotus.NOTESSESSION session;



lotus.NOTESFORM form;

strSubject = "Test Memo sent at" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString();

strDest = (e-mail address removed);

strCopy = "Copyto";

//Session = createobject("Notes.NotesSession"); // Creates a Notes Session

//Type NotesSession = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("lotus.NOTESSESSION");

//session = (lotus.NOTESSESSION)Activator.CreateInstance(NotesSession);

Server = session.GETENVIRONMENTSTRING("MailServer", true); // Read the
current mail server from Notes.ini

Mailfile = session.GETENVIRONMENTSTRING("MailFile", true) ; // Read the
current mail file from Notes.ini

db = (lotus.NOTESDATABASE)session.GETDATABASE(Server, Mailfile,true); // Try
to open the mail Database

if (db == null)


MessageBox.Show( "Could not access Notes mail file!","",
MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel); // If Mail db not accessible, return an error



doc = (lotus.NOTESDOCUMENT)db.CREATEDOCUMENT(); //Create a memo in the user
's mail file

//doc.Form = "Memo"; //Set the form to be a mail Memo

//doc.AUTHORS = session.USERNAME; //Set the from field (not necessary)

//doc.sendto = strDest; //Set the recipient of the Memo

//doc.copyto = strCopy;

//doc.subject = strSubject; //Give the memo a subject

strFilename = "Somefile.txt";


item.EMBEDOBJECT(1454, "", strFilename,""); //Go to the body of the memo and
embed the attachement

doc.SAVE(0, 1,""); //Save the memo in drafts

doc.SEND(1,""); //Send the memo

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