Anyone experiencing wheel problems in MS Wireless Laser mouse/keyboard combos?




My MS Wireless Laser Desktop 5000 shows some problems under Vista Ultimate
64- and 32-bit and Virtual PC 2007 that are typical of drivers not fine
tuned, despite the proclaimed support:

- In VPC 2007, the mouse wheel does not scroll documents, web pages, etc.
correctly: you have to turn the wheel several times for the scrolling "jump"
some few lines, regardless of driver's setting (scrolling lines/pages);

- In Vista apps the wheel shows a "not so smooth" scrolling, and withing
Google Maps it only zooms in, and not in and out moving the wheel forwards
or backwards...

Any beta drivers around????



Sounds to me like a graphics card driver more than anything. Most mice do
not need driver software, but I have witnessed the "jumpy scrolling" symptom
a few times before and it's always related to a video driver (in my
experience anyway). Find out what kind of video card you have, do a search
for Vista compatible driver software, install, and restart the computer.



Thank you, I guess you're right... I was wondering why such a nasty behavior
was not being complained about all around. Could be my 8800GTS beta nVidia
drivers indeed, not so many people with those...



I'm experiencing the exact same problem with the newer wireless
entertainment desktop 8000 in games and itunes and probably other programs
(turning the wheel several times). Have you found a way to fix this??

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