Any XPlite believers in here???



Ok Guys and Goils__I have had a quick look around
for the quick answer, its not evident.
I am playing with a totally new install of XP PRo
(no updates) - its Ver2505 from memory.
Anyways,, I am trying to invoke the XPlite mod to
the OS and no way can I get the "simple install"
to activate from Windows.
What is it with that?

I have tried both the Free Trial and the <ahemmm>
testing version of Xplite Gold with exactly the
same result each time, nada !
There is a minor amount of HDD activity but no
dialog Pop or Boot to D0S console as in earlier
versions. Logged in as Admin using the
hack or simply logged on as the default Admin,
no diff.
SysRestore is turned off.
I have tried pointing the D0S CLI at it (in Windows).

Fast running out of ideas here for this Simple Install<G>
HAS anyone any experience on this version of NT
using this tool?
I have had mobs of success with its predecessors
through 98Lite and the earlier IEradicate for 95B-OSR2
and have a high regard for the freedom offered.
So you can see I dearly would love the same
advantages in this XP box ? 8-D

Kick in please,, maybe I have something to offer too?

Thanks for the time.


Will Denny


Try these two links:

"Windows XP Service Pack 2 "

"Welcome to Windows XP SP2 Technical Preview Newsgroups"


Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User

| Ok Guys and Goils__I have had a quick look around
| for the quick answer, its not evident.
| I am playing with a totally new install of XP PRo
| (no updates) - its Ver2505 from memory.
| Anyways,, I am trying to invoke the XPlite mod to
| the OS and no way can I get the "simple install"
| to activate from Windows.
| What is it with that?
| I have tried both the Free Trial and the <ahemmm>
| testing version of Xplite Gold with exactly the
| same result each time, nada !
| There is a minor amount of HDD activity but no
| dialog Pop or Boot to D0S console as in earlier
| versions. Logged in as Admin using the
| HKLM..//Dword=Admin
| hack or simply logged on as the default Admin,
| no diff.
| SysRestore is turned off.
| I have tried pointing the D0S CLI at it (in Windows).
| Fast running out of ideas here for this Simple Install<G>
| HAS anyone any experience on this version of NT
| using this tool?
| I have had mobs of success with its predecessors
| through 98Lite and the earlier IEradicate for 95B-OSR2
| and have a high regard for the freedom offered.
| So you can see I dearly would love the same
| advantages in this XP box ? 8-D
| Kick in please,, maybe I have something to offer too?
| Thanks for the time.
| GT

Ronnie Vernon MVP

GuriaTru said:
I guess you ably demonstrate that preclusive comprehension IS the
prime criteria in the MS skillset.



Some would say that "preclusive comprehension" is your middle name.

Check out the links that Will gave you, don't be afraid to look at something
new. :)

Ronnie Vernon
Microsoft MVP
Windows Shell/User

Please reply to the newsgroup so all may benefit.
Unsolicited e-mail is not answered.



Some would say that "preclusive comprehension" is your middle name.
The same "some" who fail at reading subject lines , maybe? [rhetorical]
Check out the links that Will gave you, don't be afraid to look at something
new. :)
You guys must be as thick as ticks on a bulls rump !
I should have known better than to offer such a post in a NG headed up
by <>, but Hey ! I am flexible - forgive *m e* :-/

Right back at ya Buddy:
Try something new ?




Beneath the Southern Cross I stand
A can of POWERS in my hand
I raise the lip
To toast the ship
That drove the merry band
Wot wrest the Cup
From Bloody Yankee Land.

Anando [MS-MVP]


I would refer you to this site:

How to make a good post


Microsoft MVP- Windows Shell/User

Microsoft MVP- Windows Shell/User

Folder customizations

Protect your PC!

GuriaTru said:

Some would say that "preclusive comprehension" is your middle name.
The same "some" who fail at reading subject lines , maybe? [rhetorical]
Check out the links that Will gave you, don't be afraid to look at
new. :)
You guys must be as thick as ticks on a bulls rump !
I should have known better than to offer such a post in a NG headed up
by <>, but Hey ! I am flexible - forgive *m e* :-/

Right back at ya Buddy:
Try something new ?




Beneath the Southern Cross I stand
A can of POWERS in my hand
I raise the lip
To toast the ship
That drove the merry band
Wot wrest the Cup
From Bloody Yankee Land.


xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxedit for flowxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

GuriaTru said:

Some would say that "preclusive comprehension" is your middle name.
The same "some" who fail at reading subject lines , maybe? [rhetorical]
Check out the links that Will gave you, don't be afraid to look at
new. :)

I would refer you to this site:
And *_I_* Sir,, would refer you to this site.

Its not Redmond,,but its close..HAHaaHAahaaaa
You might just put an inclusion in your shitty dribble as to top
No wonder we are seeing more and more uneducated ignoramuses riding
their MOE horse into the wind and believing they are doing it the Easy
Way !! Sites such as that MVP shit are a JOKE effendi,, a joke !
MicroShite Masturbating Verbose Pantagruel- Windows Shell/User Verbose Pantagruel
http://www.Masturbating Verbose
MicroShite Masturbating Verbose Pantagruel- Windows Shell/User Verbose Pantagruel
http://www.Masturbating Verbose

Folder **** Up

Slay your PC!

You Guys are just too much !
I have better things to do.
Hang that MVP certificate in the ShiteHouse,, someone may just recognise
it as good quality arsepaper ! :-D



Ronnie Vernon MVP

GuriaTru said:
The same "some" who fail at reading subject lines , maybe?
You guys must be as thick as ticks on a bulls rump !
I should have known better than to offer such a post in a NG headed up
by <>, but Hey ! I am flexible - forgive *m e*

Right back at ya Buddy:
Try something new ?


You posted here to get the exact response that you received. Why would you
be surprised?

You are apparently having a problem with that program you are trying to use.
Do they offer tech support or have their own newsgroups/forums or did your
original post hint that you are using an illegal version?

Haven't tried Debian, but I have a partition with RH Linux v9 that hasn't
really impressed me yet.

Ronnie Vernon
Microsoft MVP
Windows Shell/User

Please reply to the newsgroup so all may benefit.

Sharon F

its Ver2505 from memory

This was a release candidate version of XP. The older it gets, the more
problems you are likely to encounter. Many system files will remain at
older versions that current software may not work well with.

Jupiter Jones [MVP]

Your insults of others seems free flowing while displaying your own
vast ignorance.
I suggest you read your own post for a likely answer to your issue.

Did you contact the application manufacturer?
Did you also explain you are using Windows XP RCI?
Do you know all licenses to use RC1 expired more than 2 years ago.
Did it occur to you that changes made to the released product may be
part or all of the reason you have installation troubles.

Did you consider buying a legal copy and getting rid of your illegal
If not there may be better places to attempt to get support for your
illegal version.


GuriaTru said:
The same "some" who fail at reading subject lines , maybe?
You guys must be as thick as ticks on a bulls rump !
I should have known better than to offer such a post in a NG headed up
by <>, but Hey ! I am flexible - forgive *m e*

Right back at ya Buddy:
Try something new ?


You posted here to get the exact response that you received. Why would you
be surprised?
READ "customise" and rethink your observation Buddy.
You are apparently having a problem with that program you are trying to use.
Do they offer tech support or have their own newsgroups/forums or did your
original post hint that you are using an illegal version?
Thats a hell of a fishing line full of gang hooks U r trailing there
Buddy. Find your own solutions/answers. I am *not* working for you.
Haven't tried Debian, but I have a partition with RH Linux v9 that hasn't
really impressed me yet.
Why am I not surprised? RH is exactly the spawn of like minded persons
who sit in NGs as this one. Picking their snot , rolling it into little
balls and flicking the projectile at unwary passers by.
Your type will never be impressed or improved.

Live with it.

Its been fun folks,, but I really MUST leave you to your dwaddlings.
Another group that follows a similar genre gets 150 posts in 12hrs.
You guys manage a whole 35. That must tell you something.

I am outa here.




This was a release candidate version of XP. The older it gets, the more
problems you are likely to encounter. Many system files will remain at
older versions that current software may not work well with.
...that is simply not correct Sharon, bordering on mischievous
maliciousness even.
Many know *exactly* what 2505 is, many more have/do use the GUI
quite successfully.
Your statement is more of a promotion of - "upgrade"' "upgrade"
"upgrade" - than of any real worth to an observer.
But then that would be "par for the course in here <m.p.w.c>, right?
Just who did come up with the smartarse idea of placing "customise" in
a hierarchy of MS/pub groups,, its some sort of sick joke, yeh?
My need was to interface the GUI with a real OS, *that* is why my post
went up.
XPLite offers the opportunity to reduce this 'Bloatware' to a footprint
that is manageable, very easily. No doubt I could achieve the same thing
with work Why reinvent the wheel, something you MicroShite believers are
quite adept at promoting and That is about the limit of your skills.
The digital equivalent of Cut and Paste Kindergarten Kops.

Enjoy your day job and never leave it !:-D


Larry Samuels

Hi GT,

XPLite WORKS on legit versions of XP and is a fantastic program.
Your problems are being caused by the fact that you are using a copy of XP
that expired years ago. ALL activations of 2505 are blocked.
2505 was the RC 1 candidate for Windows XP that was released to the public
as a preview with a 180 day license for it's use. The fact that people have
cracked it and continued using it illegally is something between those
people and their conscience. Just don't expect to post your problems to MS
operated newsgroups and not be ridiculed for your stupidity,

To top that off you clearly stated that you tried using a bootleg copy of
XPLite as well--no wonder you are afraid to contact their customer support

Larry Samuels MS-MVP (Windows-Shell/User)
Associate Expert
Expert Zone -
Unofficial FAQ for Windows Server 2003 at

GuriaTru said:
This was a release candidate version of XP. The older it gets, the more
problems you are likely to encounter. Many system files will remain at
older versions that current software may not work well with.
..that is simply not correct Sharon, bordering on mischievous
maliciousness even.
Many know *exactly* what 2505 is, many more have/do use the GUI
quite successfully.
Your statement is more of a promotion of - "upgrade"' "upgrade"
"upgrade" - than of any real worth to an observer.
But then that would be "par for the course in here <m.p.w.c>, right?
Just who did come up with the smartarse idea of placing "customise" in
a hierarchy of MS/pub groups,, its some sort of sick joke, yeh?
My need was to interface the GUI with a real OS, *that* is why my post
went up.
XPLite offers the opportunity to reduce this 'Bloatware' to a footprint
that is manageable, very easily. No doubt I could achieve the same thing
with work Why reinvent the wheel, something you MicroShite believers are
quite adept at promoting and That is about the limit of your skills.
The digital equivalent of Cut and Paste Kindergarten Kops.

Enjoy your day job and never leave it !:-D


Sharon F

..that is simply not correct Sharon, bordering on mischievous
maliciousness even.

You seem to have all the answers so you figure it out on your own. I use
several third party customizing programs with a valid and current XP and
have no trouble running any of them.

Will Denny

Thank you, Larry. Great posting.


Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows - Shell/User

| Hi GT,
| XPLite WORKS on legit versions of XP and is a fantastic program.
| Your problems are being caused by the fact that you are using a copy of XP
| that expired years ago. ALL activations of 2505 are blocked.
| 2505 was the RC 1 candidate for Windows XP that was released to the public
| as a preview with a 180 day license for it's use. The fact that people
| cracked it and continued using it illegally is something between those
| people and their conscience. Just don't expect to post your problems to MS
| operated newsgroups and not be ridiculed for your stupidity,
| To top that off you clearly stated that you tried using a bootleg copy of
| XPLite as well--no wonder you are afraid to contact their customer support
| <G>
| --
| Larry Samuels MS-MVP (Windows-Shell/User)
| Associate Expert
| Expert Zone -
| Unofficial FAQ for Windows Server 2003 at
| | > On Sun, 9 May 2004 12:29:47 -0500, Sharon F <[email protected]>
| > blessed Deja with these pearls of flagellation:
| >
| >>On Sun, 09 May 2004 10:24:43 GMT, GuriaTru wrote:
| >>
| >>> its Ver2505 from memory
| >>
| >>This was a release candidate version of XP. The older it gets, the more
| >>problems you are likely to encounter. Many system files will remain at
| >>older versions that current software may not work well with.
| >>
| > ..that is simply not correct Sharon, bordering on mischievous
| > maliciousness even.
| > Many know *exactly* what 2505 is, many more have/do use the GUI
| > quite successfully.
| > Your statement is more of a promotion of - "upgrade"' "upgrade"
| > "upgrade" - than of any real worth to an observer.
| > But then that would be "par for the course in here <m.p.w.c>, right?
| > [rhetorical]
| > Just who did come up with the smartarse idea of placing "customise" in
| > a hierarchy of MS/pub groups,, its some sort of sick joke, yeh?
| > [rhetorical]
| > My need was to interface the GUI with a real OS, *that* is why my post
| > went up.
| > XPLite offers the opportunity to reduce this 'Bloatware' to a footprint
| > that is manageable, very easily. No doubt I could achieve the same thing
| > with work Why reinvent the wheel, something you MicroShite believers are
| > quite adept at promoting and That is about the limit of your skills.
| > The digital equivalent of Cut and Paste Kindergarten Kops.
| >
| >
| >
| > Enjoy your day job and never leave it !:-D
| >
| > GT
| >
| >
| > --
| >
| > Dr Zeus
| > -------------------------------
| > *did* I tell a lie?
| >
| > Some old Hoary Goat of A Seppo

Sharon F

XPLite WORKS on legit versions of XP and is a fantastic program.
Your problems are being caused by the fact that you are using a copy of XP
that expired years ago. ALL activations of 2505 are blocked.
2505 was the RC 1 candidate for Windows XP that was released to the public
as a preview with a 180 day license for it's use. The fact that people have
cracked it and continued using it illegally is something between those
people and their conscience. Just don't expect to post your problems to MS
operated newsgroups and not be ridiculed for your stupidity,

All good points, Larry. For the record, I really wasn't trying to pass
judgment one way or the other about the version of XP being used. Rather
the point I was trying to make is that current software, especially a shell
replacement, is tuned to work with existing operating systems and their
supported file versions.

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