Any tweaks for faster performance?


James D

I am running Windows XP Home SP1 on a P4 2 GHz with 512 MB of DDR RAM
running in Dual Channel Mode.

Just recently, I don't know what happened, but when booting up the computer
it takes between 50 and 60 SECONDS before it gets past the blue Windows
welcome screen.

I have disabled all items in MSconfig rebooted and it still takes this
painfully long time. Can anyone offer a helpful suggestion that may speed
the process up? Thanks.

Thorsten Matzner

James D said:
I am running Windows XP Home SP1 on a P4 2 GHz with 512 MB of DDR RAM
running in Dual Channel Mode.

Just recently, I don't know what happened, but when booting up the computer
it takes between 50 and 60 SECONDS before it gets past the blue Windows
welcome screen.

Start here: "Resources for Troubleshooting Startup Problems in Windows
XP" (


possibly a simple ram tweak or hard drive upgrade would help :)

just kidding, but seriously defrag the drive, check for bad sectors with check disk etc......

also are you attached to a network? do you have favorite places in my network places, are they in status of disconnected? if so delete them, unmap any network drives you don't use regularly or definately remove them if they are no longer valid or are on a machine that isn't on 24/7 etc...

check for network devices being auto assigned ip addresses, i.e. network card, wi fi card, usb cable or dsl modem, standard modems etc.... if these are in your machine and you use them you will get some lag from them as they are scanning for a dhcp server which isn't going to authenticate till after you conect to your isp or router or network etc...

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