AntiSpyware crashes after aborting scan



I have noticed that if I cancel the scan installing I
get a message that an application error log is being
generated upon exiting the program: GiantAntiSpywar.exe
has generated errors...

I start a full scan and then abort it. A message pops up
indicating that my scan has been aborted and if I click
ok and then close the program before the screen has
refreshed I get this error

Event Log: c0000005 at address 6A9F2AD9
on both Windows 2000 SP4, Windows XP SP2

Andre Da Costa

Well, its beta, so such things are expected to happen. Did a Error Report
dialog appear to send in the problem?



no it didn't
-----Original Message-----
Well, its beta, so such things are expected to happen. Did a Error Report
dialog appear to send in the problem?



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