another XP Embedded newbie question


Alex B

I apologize in advance if this question is really stupid. I read a decent
amount of the xp embedded web-site and haven't found an answer to this...

A POS machine made by Posiflex (the Jiva 5815) comes with XP Embedded
preinstalled with a 20gb hard drive and such. As the POS app I wrote was
made using Visual Studio, can I just install it on one of these machines?
The manufacturer says yes, but I wanna make sure before I shell out the
bucks... So is XP Embedded on a machine like that relatively similar to
using XP home or XP Pro? I've had my app running on XP Pro, 2K, and NT, and
just want to make sure that I can run it on XP Embedded before ordering a
machine with it preinstalled.

On the XPE web site, it seems that most folks use an image and then blast
out the embedded apps. Am I allowed to just install to POS computers with
XPE already on them or must I get the kit?

Gordon Smith \(eMVP\)

The answer is "maybe".

When you build an XPe image, you get to pick and choose which pieces of the
OS to include. If the particular image created by Posiflex doesn't support
the dependancies of your POS app, then you'll need to work with Posiflex to
enhance their OS image.

--Gordon Smith (eMVP)

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