Another question on Access 2000 re: Tab setting



I have a master detail type of multi form and have all the field" tab index
and no" properties set correctly as far as I can see. Yet when I get to the
end of the Master form, I have to press the tab key four time before it goes
to the first field (Settings: Tab Stop = yes, Tab Index = 0) in the Detail

Any help would be much appreciated.


Ed Robichaud

Setting the Tab Stop property of the whole TabControl object will turn the
tab stop on/off for all pages (tabs). Don't know why yours is working, but
a work-around would be to use a "[MyFirstControl].SetFocus" statement in
the OnExit event of the last control on your main form.


Thank you Ed for your reply .. and now to show my complete ignorance ... I
have tried every combination that I know of to reference the field "Model"
on my subform. with no success. The subform is called
"FCldetail_subform" and the field is called "Model"

I am a really a newbie having taught myself a little of Access97 (before
installing the 2000 version) and the best reference I have is VB for
Accsss97 step by step .. its not bad but really only an introduction. I
don't get to use Access nearly as much as I would like, thus my queries here
from time to time. I really appreciate all the help I have received, and
feel bad that I haven't figured this one out:(

This is the code for the "on exit" event of the last field in the Master

Private Sub Contact_fax_Exit(Cancel As Integer)


End Sub

I have tried other combinations with no luck. Any help would of course be
much appreciated.

Ed Robichaud said:
Setting the Tab Stop property of the whole TabControl object will turn the
tab stop on/off for all pages (tabs). Don't know why yours is working,
but a work-around would be to use a "[MyFirstControl].SetFocus" statement
in the OnExit event of the last control on your main form.

Abay said:
I have a master detail type of multi form and have all the field" tab
index and no" properties set correctly as far as I can see. Yet when I
get to the end of the Master form, I have to press the tab key four time
before it goes to the first field (Settings: Tab Stop = yes, Tab Index =
0) in the Detail form.

Any help would be much appreciated.


Ed Robichaud

Here is a reference for correct syntax with subform and their controls ( I
refer to it frequently)

It covers all situations, so you should be able to get the particular name
reference you need.

Abay said:
Thank you Ed for your reply .. and now to show my complete ignorance ... I
have tried every combination that I know of to reference the field
"Model" on my subform. with no success. The subform is called
"FCldetail_subform" and the field is called "Model"

I am a really a newbie having taught myself a little of Access97 (before
installing the 2000 version) and the best reference I have is VB for
Accsss97 step by step .. its not bad but really only an introduction. I
don't get to use Access nearly as much as I would like, thus my queries
here from time to time. I really appreciate all the help I have received,
and feel bad that I haven't figured this one out:(

This is the code for the "on exit" event of the last field in the Master

Private Sub Contact_fax_Exit(Cancel As Integer)


End Sub

I have tried other combinations with no luck. Any help would of course be
much appreciated.

Ed Robichaud said:
Setting the Tab Stop property of the whole TabControl object will turn
the tab stop on/off for all pages (tabs). Don't know why yours is
working, but a work-around would be to use a "[MyFirstControl].SetFocus"
statement in the OnExit event of the last control on your main form.

Abay said:
I have a master detail type of multi form and have all the field" tab
index and no" properties set correctly as far as I can see. Yet when I
get to the end of the Master form, I have to press the tab key four time
before it goes to the first field (Settings: Tab Stop = yes, Tab Index =
0) in the Detail form.

Any help would be much appreciated.



Thank you again .. I'll try that .. abay

Ed Robichaud said:
Here is a reference for correct syntax with subform and their controls
( I refer to it frequently)

It covers all situations, so you should be able to get the particular name
reference you need.

Abay said:
Thank you Ed for your reply .. and now to show my complete ignorance ...
I have tried every combination that I know of to reference the field
"Model" on my subform. with no success. The subform is called
"FCldetail_subform" and the field is called "Model"

I am a really a newbie having taught myself a little of Access97 (before
installing the 2000 version) and the best reference I have is VB for
Accsss97 step by step .. its not bad but really only an introduction. I
don't get to use Access nearly as much as I would like, thus my queries
here from time to time. I really appreciate all the help I have
received, and feel bad that I haven't figured this one out:(

This is the code for the "on exit" event of the last field in the Master

Private Sub Contact_fax_Exit(Cancel As Integer)


End Sub

I have tried other combinations with no luck. Any help would of course
be much appreciated.

Ed Robichaud said:
Setting the Tab Stop property of the whole TabControl object will turn
the tab stop on/off for all pages (tabs). Don't know why yours is
working, but a work-around would be to use a
"[MyFirstControl].SetFocus" statement in the OnExit event of the last
control on your main form.

I have a master detail type of multi form and have all the field" tab
index and no" properties set correctly as far as I can see. Yet when I
get to the end of the Master form, I have to press the tab key four time
before it goes to the first field (Settings: Tab Stop = yes, Tab Index =
0) in the Detail form.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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