An apology to Crunchers.

Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
OK, Time to eat humble pie.

I was misguided in my response to Rammie taking the top spot in the crunching stats. I know realise that it's all about taking part rather than who is the highest cruncher etc.

My view was partly based on the view that Ady and helped me so much in starting to crunch that I felt loyalty to Ady in that he has always been the top cruncher in the team and that it was partly to do with this that I felt someone else taking over the top spot was wrong. It's not and I hope Rammie does go to the top.

The time I have spent away and it has felt like weeks more than days has made me reflect on the fact that the forum is a large part of my life in cyberspace. And that falling out over something is quiet trivial is not really how I should act over this.

In mitigation I have been working long hours due to work, but I realise that I do owe some people an apology over my recent actions

I will PM Rammie to apologise as I think I owe them that.


Kind regards

Good for you, it takes a man to admit he may have made a mistake. But keeeeep crunching.:bow:
No worries Feckit

No apology needed mate!

Back to the old grindstone as they say..:thumb:
Welcome back Feckit, it's good to see you return to the fold...or should that be the crunch...? :cheers: <---It's Duff!
You owe no apologies to us.
A PM to RAMMIE, I guess would be a nice touch.

We all have opinions, some voice them stronger than others.
When those opinions are challenged, some people blow their tops and, while others take time to consider those counter arguments and react like an intelligent human being, just as you have done.

I was wrong once.....Tuesday 7th March 2000,....I'm never betting on a horse again, 50p down the drain that was!

Well said Big Jay I think we all agree with what you said:thumb: What and you lost as much as 50p on a nag disgusting :p
It's all a mystery to me. Being an ex-cruncher (like Ady) I do not have a clue what this thread is all about. I do not look at anything crunching related in this forum much.

All I'll say is think before you post.

From the little I can gather, RAMMIE helped the team out here and I feel quite sure Ady would wish him well for his efforts, I certainly do.

Now, I wonder what the hell this thread was all about? Hee hee ;)