Always Assigns Auto Priviate IP



My pc (on W2K Pro) can't detect a DHCP server and is
always assigning an IP from the Automatic Private IP
Address pool. It was working great thru DSL modem until
I recently switched to using a netgear router between the
pc and the dsl model. I uninstalled the ISP's dsl
software (Enternet) and this problem started.

I've uninstalled and reinstalled TCP/IP, uninstalled and
reinstalled the ethernet card and all the registry
settings I know to check look okay. When I run
ipconfig /renew I receive an err msg saying the the
program its communicating with isn't a socket.

I need help. What should I be looking for and/or doing?

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

The PPPoE software may have left shards, I suspect (I hate that software
with a passion). I've usually been able to make these problems go away by
removing the NIC and reinstalling it and all associated protocols....but
you've done that, alas.

Maybe the Enternet people have an answer?


If he's using a router between the DSL modem and his LAN, I have two
possible solutions:
1.) Use the router as a DHCP server;
2.) Use static addressing.

If he's got a small network, there's no reason he can't assign a few IP
addresses manually.

"Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]"



I´m not a profi but let me try.

Maybe you have to enable the DHCP function on your router??

Just take a look at the using reference of your router. Normaly there
is a HTTP interface for configuration.

2nd possibility: If your are connecting a DSL modem with the computer
maybe the networkcable is crossed? Just that a look at the cables if
there are crossed and not crossed cables!

I hope I could help.


Mr. Chuck

You haven't mentioned that you have assigned the router address as your
gateway address. That should be enough to get started. The netgear will
assign a dhcp address You can add static and dns after.

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