


For years I have been using Alt+Enter to insert a carriage return (start a
new line) within a cell. Last week I received a new PC and this does not
work anymore. When I hit Alt+Enter it acts like a normal enter. Is there a
setting or something to turn this function on? Thanks.

IBM ThinkPad
Windows XP
Excel 2003

Gord Dibben


A ThinkPad is a laptop?

I would look at the keyboard on that.

Excel has no settings to turn Alt + Enter on or off.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP

Dave Peterson

My first guess is that your keyboard is acting up?

My second question is: Does the ThinkPad have programmable keys?


Yes a thinkpad is a laptop. I know my laptop (a Dell) has a piece of custom
software which allows you to specify how certain key combinations behave, so
Gord's suggestion sounds like a good start.



Thank you for the help. I was able to locate a "Keyboard Customizer Utility"
program on my PC. I did not see anything mapped to alt+enter. But, when I
disabled the program excel started working correctly again. So, I will leave
it disabled.

Thanks again for the help!

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