Allocate more space to C from second hard drive


Angela H.


I am unsure if this can be done but with all the patches
and everything comming out for Win XP and all the
preloaded applications that were installed on the system
my C:/ Drive is MAXED out!!!!

I'm running Windows XP Home SP1

I know right now there are serveral critical updates and
I cannot install them because I have less that 6 MB's of
space left on my C:/ Drive....

I recently purchased a new Hard Drive (which I had plans
to do anyway) It is an 80 GB Western Digital Ultra 100
ATA Hard Drive. I was wondering if there was a way that I
could allocate a portion of this Disk Drive to the C:?

I am sure I probably won't be able to but getting a final
conclusion on this would be great.

David Candy

You could look at the join command (type in Help) or a hard link (only
programs can do this).

You can also compress your drive to save space. R/C your drive in My Comp,
Properties, Advanced and turn on compression.

Also type temp rhen %temp% in Start Run and delete all files. Then run disk
cleanup (DC waits till files are 7 days old)

Peter Wilkins


I am unsure if this can be done but with all the patches
and everything comming out for Win XP and all the
preloaded applications that were installed on the system
my C:/ Drive is MAXED out!!!!

I'm running Windows XP Home SP1

I know right now there are serveral critical updates and
I cannot install them because I have less that 6 MB's of
space left on my C:/ Drive....

I recently purchased a new Hard Drive (which I had plans
to do anyway) It is an 80 GB Western Digital Ultra 100
ATA Hard Drive. I was wondering if there was a way that I
could allocate a portion of this Disk Drive to the C:?

I am sure I probably won't be able to but getting a final
conclusion on this would be great.

You could put your swap file and your My Docs on the new drive, that
would help a little, but why stuff around with half- baked solutions?

Install the second HDD as a slave.
Copy (image) your first HDD to it, using Drive Copy or something
Change your old master HDD to slave and your new HDD to master, then
re-boot. You can then reformat the old HDD and use it for backups

You can also partition your new drive once it is up and running - you
shouldn't need more than 20G for C:.

David Candy

If you type a name of a folder in Start Run it will open a folder of that
name in either Windows directory or the user profile directory.

Typing %temp% opens the folder specified by the Temp variable.

cmd /k set

to see most variables you can type.


Angela ... I'd agree with Peter. After setting up your new drive as Slave
(HD1), I'd recommend downloading BootItNG (30 day free trial) from ...
.... and doing a 'Drive Copy' from current HD0 to new HD1 (takes about 6-7
minutes on a modern computer w/7 GB). You would then 'Resize' (using
BootItNG) the new copied partition to desired size. You can then either
then use the 'Swap' feature to now boot from HD1 ... or go ahead and swap
Master/Slave drives as Peter recommended (swap cables and set jumpers) and
the new drive will now be HD0. You can then format HD1 (the old HD0) and
use it for data, save it for drive Image backups, or get rid of it entirely.
You'll be all set.
HTH ... Fred


I am unsure if this can be done but with all the patches
and everything comming out for Win XP and all the
preloaded applications that were installed on the system
my C:/ Drive is MAXED out!!!!

I'm running Windows XP Home SP1

I know right now there are serveral critical updates and
I cannot install them because I have less that 6 MB's of
space left on my C:/ Drive....

I recently purchased a new Hard Drive (which I had plans
to do anyway) It is an 80 GB Western Digital Ultra 100
ATA Hard Drive. I was wondering if there was a way that I
could allocate a portion of this Disk Drive to the C:?

I am sure I probably won't be able to but getting a final
conclusion on this would be great.

You could put your swap file and your My Docs on the new drive, that
would help a little, but why stuff around with half- baked solutions?

Install the second HDD as a slave.
Copy (image) your first HDD to it, using Drive Copy or something
Change your old master HDD to slave and your new HDD to master, then
re-boot. You can then reformat the old HDD and use it for backups

You can also partition your new drive once it is up and running - you
shouldn't need more than 20G for C:.

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