all-in-wonder x800xt with x64




I have windows xp x64 operating system installed. I'm trying to get the tv
card to work with my all-in-wonder card. Ati's website says that there
currently aren't any drivers for aiw x64. Is there another site I could go
to in order to get a driver that might work???

Guest is the Only site and you can contact their support, they have been
very good to me. Sounds to me the Catalyst needs upgrading.
If you are installing the ATI card in a computer you already had, you
must go to Add Remove Programs and Remove ALL Graphic drivers first. Then you
reboot, cancel the Found New Hardware etc and then you Insert the CD when all
messages have stopped, let it auto run and then INstall ALL programs on the
CD. If installing properly a Red and WHITE ATI logo will appear in the bottom
right of your Task Bar.
Good Luck and on clcik on drivers and software and then use the
three columns to narrow down to your card.

Good Luck

I Have forgotten so much of what I once knew.
"A Stranger is a Friend you haven''t met yet."

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


One of the problems with the 64 bit release is that hardware vendors are
unwilling to supply device drivers for their hardware. Unfortunately, there
is little you can do if ATI does not have a driver for the card.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help -


Hello JM
Do you mean there are no 'current' drivers or no drivers at all.
They did have about 6 months ago - I saw it, but cant say if it is what you
are looking for. I seem to remember it came with a Catalyst update. Well at
least the one I needed did - I nearly downloaded the 64bit by mistake!!!!!
Have you registered with them and posted a 'ticket' to ask for a solution.
They are very quick to reply and helpful.


JM said:

I have windows xp x64 operating system installed. I'm trying to get the tv
card to work with my all-in-wonder card. Ati's website says that there
currently aren't any drivers for aiw x64. Is there another site I could go
to in order to get a driver that might work???

For x64 issues it would be best to post to the x64 newsgroup.


Thanks for the help everyone! The video card works, but not the TV tuner
and other features which are why I bought the card (if that makes sense).
They do have x64 catalyst drivers for other ati cards, but they currently
don't have one for the all-in-wonder. I didn't know if there was another
source where I could get a makeshift driver. For example, my printer works
because of a driver someone created, not because hp realeased an official x64
driver for my printer. I wasn't sure if there was another site I could get
maybe a beta version of a driver for tv tuners to work with all-in-wonder
cards for x64. I will contact ati with a ticket and see if there is anything
they can do.

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