All in Wonder 128



I have an ATI All-in-Wonder 128 PCI set up on a Dell M780
monitor and a Dell D1028L on Intel(R) 82810E Graphics
Controller (Microsoft).

My computer is a Dell Dimension with an Intel Pentium III
Processo, 664 MHz, 512 MB of RAM.

I have just upgraded (?) to the Microsoft Service Pack 2.

It 'fried' the access of my web-site to my server (which
I've re-installed, and which now works.

It also fried my ATI TV tuner.

When I play my TV tuner (try to set it up and get
stations again through the scan wizard, etc., I get sound
but only a black screen.

It says I should 'enable' the monitor but there is
nothing on the enabling page but my display (which has
activiating and tweaking access) but the icon for the TV
part is inactive.

I've downloaded the most up-to-date drivers from the ATI
site, but it doesn't make any sense.

And I can't go back to an earlier 'system restore' point
before my sp upgrade - it won't let me.

Any ideas or suggestions.


ATI are known to have a lot of issues with their drivers. Recently they have
been trying to be better. Try contacting them about this. If my experience
is anyhting to go by you might get a good response.


For *SOME* users, ATI may be know to have *a lot of issues*, but I have 4
computers running 4 different ATI cards, and over the last ten years I have
used about a dozen different ATI cards and experienced very little trouble
with any of them. When I have had to contact support, I *always* received a
response in a timely manner. Those who use nVidia cards will claim that ATI
has issues, and ATI owners will claim that nVIdia has issues. The card you
have is not a bad card. Don't listen to the "doom and gloom" crowd.


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