All ICON's do not appear in TASKBAR after startup.



Quite often when I start my computer most of the ICON's do not appear in the
TASKBAR. Then if I logoff & back on they all appear. Can anybody tell me what
I have done? Anytghing to do with setting up a guest account?


Did a search on "icon's appear in taskbar" and found much info on this
subject. Will give kellys-korner a shot. Should have done a search first but
would still appreciate any more info.

David Webb

Check this Taskbar setting:

Start > Settings > Taskbar and Start Menu, under Notification area uncheck "Hide
inactive icons".

| Did a search on "icon's appear in taskbar" and found much info on this
| subject. Will give kellys-korner a shot. Should have done a search first but
| would still appreciate any more info.
| --
| Regards snerdly
| "snerdly" wrote:
| > Quite often when I start my computer most of the ICON's do not appear in the
| > TASKBAR. Then if I logoff & back on they all appear. Can anybody tell me
| > I have done? Anytghing to do with setting up a guest account?
| > --
| > Regards snerdly


Yes, I unchecked "hide inactive icons" when I first started experiencing this
problem a week ago. Thanks though. When I logoff & log back on they all
appear without changing any other settings.

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