AIW 8500DV


Sgt Andrew

I have the AIW 8500DV and I am planing on upgrading my motherboard. Can I use
the 8500DV on a motherboard with a AGP 8x and 4x slot?

Paul Murphy

Sgt Andrew said:
I have the AIW 8500DV and I am planing on upgrading my motherboard. Can I use
the 8500DV on a motherboard with a AGP 8x and 4x slot?

You can be "at ease" that it'll work fine - this card is AGP 4x capable and
an AGP 8x/4x slot has the capability/backwards capability to work with it
(its 2x or slower cards that may give problems).



Paul Murphy said:

You can be "at ease" that it'll work fine - this card is AGP 4x capable and
an AGP 8x/4x slot has the capability/backwards capability to work with it
(its 2x or slower cards that may give problems).

How so? If your machine runs out of ram and your using AGP then your
already in trouble anyway. Texture swapping is one of the most unused
features that is out there and is way too overhyped. 99.99% of us will
never run out of ram to the point where it will be utilized anyway so what
does it matter?

It's just something they put on the feature list to help sell cards. It's
like buying a Porsche because it has a spare tire.

Paul Murphy

Gonzo said:

How so? If your machine runs out of ram and your using AGP then your
already in trouble anyway. Texture swapping is one of the most unused
features that is out there and is way too overhyped. 99.99% of us will
never run out of ram to the point where it will be utilized anyway so what
does it matter?

It's just something they put on the feature list to help sell cards. It's
like buying a Porsche because it has a spare tire.
I think you've got your wires crossed there Gonzo, this has nothing to do
with the question (or my reply).


J. Clarke

Gonzo said:
How so? If your machine runs out of ram and your using AGP then your
already in trouble anyway. Texture swapping is one of the most unused
features that is out there and is way too overhyped. 99.99% of us will
never run out of ram to the point where it will be utilized anyway so what
does it matter?

It's just something they put on the feature list to help sell cards. It's
like buying a Porsche because it has a spare tire.

I don't understand what point you are addressing. The reason 2x slots are a
problem for 4x/8x boards is that 2x slots provide 3.3v while 4x/8x boards
only work with 1.5v or 0.8v.


J. Clarke said:
I don't understand what point you are addressing. The reason 2x slots are a
problem for 4x/8x boards is that 2x slots provide 3.3v while 4x/8x boards
only work with 1.5v or 0.8v.


I am addressing this part of the post...

"(its 2x or slower cards that may give problems"

IOW, if you will never actually need agp texturing then the 2x vs 4x debate
is moot. If you do use AGP texturing then you are in trouble anyway.

I was not posting in reference to voltage of the AGP slot. I was respoding
to the missleading sentence above.

Do you know how AGP texturing works and what causes it to kick in?


Paul Murphy said:
I think you've got your wires crossed there Gonzo, this has nothing to do
with the question (or my reply).

See my response to "J. Clarke" on this.


Paul Murphy said:
Troll Alert!

If you don't know then simply say so. I could have stated that the
missleading sentence that I was responding to was a "Troll Posting". But I
didn't because I figured it was simply a matter of ignorance.

What's your excuse?


neopolaris said:
Yup. Blacklisted long ago. All I could see were your posts Paul.

Yeah, that generally happens when I embarrass people either intentionally or
unintentionally. They blacklist me to save from further embarrassment.

It's a quick way to end a conversation they know they have already lost.

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