After SP2, Windows Updates more confusing than ever.




I have a home network of 3 pcs running Win XP SP2. I am also forced to use a
very slow modem connection. I used to be able to download a windows or
office update, back it up somewhere and then update all three PCs from it.
With the new "security centre" this functionality seems to have been taken
away, meaning I have to spend three times as long downloading the same
updates for each PC.

For example, I go to:

Then click custom install or whatever and it brings up a list of bug fixes
(er sorry "updates"). I used to be able to click on a "more details..." link
that eventually led me to a download page, but can't seem to find it
anymore. How can I continue to do this?




when you go to the v5 update page there should be a selection list on the
left of the screen. One is for administrator options. If you select that it
will take you to the v4 update page where you can access the update catalog
and download and save the update.

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