aero with x300 64mb?



anyone scraping aero with the above grafx chip? Rest of the laptop is 2Ghz
centrino, 2GB RAM.

Also would a 10GB partition be enough to run Vista, only for testing
purposes not for real world usage so wouldn't need much space for progs


Puppy Breath

I don't know what the minimal requirements are. But I have it on a 40 GB
partition, with just a couple Office apps and a few other things. Nothing
major. It's eatin' up over 14 GB with just that. The \Windows folder is
about 6 GB. So 10GB might be cutting it a little close.

Other hardware on this machine: P4 3.0 Ghz HT, 1 GB RAM, 256 MB video
memory. That gets me a performance rating of 2. Vista's speed is
"acceptable" (for a beta) on this machine. Patience is required at times ;-)

Zack Whittaker

10GB should be OK, but Vista will probably chew up about 6-8GB of it, so
make it about 20 at least - this gives it space to have applications run on
it and stuff.

Zack Whittaker
» ZackNET Enterprises:
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» This mailing is provided "as is" with no warranties, and confers no
rights. All opinions expressed are those of myself unless stated so, and not
of my employer, best friend, Ghandi, my mother or my cat. Glad we cleared
that up!

--: Original message follows :--


thanks for the replies guys, I'll make it at least 15GB so (laptop so total
capacity is a prob) How do you get to rate your PC or is it something that
comes with the CTP ?

cheers again


thanks for the replies guys, I'll make it at least 15GB so (laptop so total
capacity is a prob) How do you get to rate your PC or is it something that
comes with the CTP ?

cheers again

Puppy Breath

Yeah, it's a Vista thing. Open Control Panel and choose System and
Maintenance > Welcome Center > More Details. It's the Windows System
Performance Rating number.

....How do you get to rate your PC or is it something that comes with the

Puppy Breath

Oh wait, I forgot, there's a bigger performance display. In Control Panel
click System and Maintenance, then Performance Rating and Tools.

Kevin John Panzke

Windows Vista Beta 1 completely Destroyed my ATI Radeon X300, just FYI.

I would personally recommend either a NVIDIA GeForce 6800 or a NVIDIA
GeForce 7800 GTX.

Kevin John Panzke

P.S. My old X300 even had 128 MB's of VRAM, and it still got Destroyed (by
Windows Vista).

Zack Whittaker

Destroyed? So Vista held out and sub-machine gunned your video card...?

Zack Whittaker
» ZackNET Enterprises:
» MSBlog on ResDev:
» Vista Knowledge Base:
» This mailing is provided "as is" with no warranties, and confers no
rights. All opinions expressed are those of myself unless stated so, and not
of my employer, best friend, Ghandi, my mother or my cat. Glad we cleared
that up!

--: Original message follows :--


I got a IBM/lenovo T43p with a Fire GL V3200 with 128MB RAM, it s the
professionnal version of your X300 and Vista run smoothly
The graphics card has a rating of 2.8. Your 64MB of RAM can be a little

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