Adobe 7.0 and Office Access 2003



When Adobe 7.0 is installed on a workstation that has access 2003 installed,
and there is a program that utilizes access as a working database, when
certain queries are tried that deals with dates and times error will occur
not allowing the function to execute. When Adobe 6.01 is reinstalled on the
same workstation the program functions porperly. Does anyone know of a fix
that will 7.0 to function?


How can anyone possibly help without knowing what error message you are

"Help, my car doesn't work, what is the problem?" !!



Sorry, the errors are"function not available in expression
Format([TestDate],"mmm-yyyy") and 'IIf([scheduled]=True,
Fromat([TestDate],"dd-mmm-yy"), "scheduled)'. It seems when the program is
trying to query these compile errors come, now when adobe reader 6.01 is
installed these errors don't occur and the process works, but adobe 6.01 has
vulnerabilities that 7.0 and upgrade covers. My question is, is there a fix
sot adobe 7.0 can used without causing problems to Access 2003. Thanks.


lirsa, there is a problem that you might or might not know about when
using Access databases.

Under Tools : References, you will see a list of "references" that
Access needs, to work correctly. A "reference" is just a pointer to a
library of applicable functions.

If the library that is "pointed to", by any of these references, is
moved or deleted, that becomes a "missing reference". It is denoted as
such, in the list.

A single missing reference can cause /all/ of the functions in /all/ of
the referenced libraries, to become unusable. Then you start getting an
error, similar to what you are getting, on all sorts of "ordinary"

You say that "there is a program that utilizes Access as a working
database". There are two things you might mean by that:

(1) The program actually uses Microsoft Jet, which is the actual
database management program that Access uses "behind the scenes". In
that case, you are perhaps not using Access, at all. Or,

(2) The program somehow communicates with Access, ie. Access is
actually running when you run the other program.

If it is (2), it could be a "missing reference" problem as described
above. Perhaps re-install adobe 7.0, then open the Access database
(mdb) file, go to Tools : References, and see if any are listed as

Apart from that, I can't think what it would be.


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