Adding top-level folders in Win Explorer



Is there a way to add "links" or "mount" folders so that they appear as high-level folders in Win Explorer? For example "My Documents" physically resides at "C:\Documents and Settings\user-x\My Documents" but shows as a top-level folder (along with "My Computer" and "My Network Places") under the absolute root of "Desktop". I'd like to see select folders on my C: drive show up for quick access instead of having to drill down to them for every new instance of Win Explr that I open.

Thorsten Matzner

Rob Hunt said:
Is there a way to add "links" or "mount" folders so that they appear as high-level folders in Win Explorer? For example "My Documents" physically resides at "C:\Documents and Settings\user-x\My Documents" but shows as a top-level folder (along with "My Computer" and "My Network Places") under the absolute root of "Desktop". I'd like to see select folders on my C: drive show up for quick access instead of having to drill down to them for every new instance of Win Explr that I open.

This may help: "Explorer.exe Command-Line Options for Windows XP"
( You can create your own
Explorer shortcuts that open in the desired folders. The command-line
for example will open the Explorer on C with showing all the top-level


----- David Candy wrote: -----

Have a look at attached file. Ignore the name as this is a 2nd My Docs folder.


David Candy

If you refuse to use the newsgroups correctly don't waste our time posting here.

Robert Hunt

Okay, so I see some registry entries. And while I've trapsed through the
Windows registry from time to time, I've not gone and done a lot of
hand-coded inserts, so I'm reticent to bang away. Some more questions:

-- How is the CLSID (in your example "6f5519d5-0480-430e-a4e5-b30cdf487733")
For each "mount" that I wish to make, I'm assuming there'd have to be a
separate entry, right?

-- How is the cross link from
to "CLSID"="{0AFACED1-E828-11D1-9187-B532F1E9575D}" derived?

-- Is there a utility available to produce the same results?

David, these questions may be an irritation to someone seemingly dexterous
in Windows registry machinations as you. Like I said, however, I'm just a
beginner and I appreciate your help. Thanks.

Have a look at attached file. Ignore the name as this is a 2nd My Docs

Rob Hunt said:
Is there a way to add "links" or "mount" folders so that they appear as
high-level folders in Win Explorer? For example "My Documents" physically
resides at "C:\Documents and Settings\user-x\My Documents" but shows as a
top-level folder (along with "My Computer" and "My Network Places") under
the absolute root of "Desktop". I'd like to see select folders on my C:
drive show up for quick access instead of having to drill down to them for
every new instance of Win Explr that I open.

David Candy

I make the numbers for people (some may even ask me for a copyrighted file). The files are freely downloadable from MS but you have to get 10,000 other files with it. Basically you just change the number and put a different path in. For special folders one can use a different syntax where you use a number. The {65 one is the only one you make, that becomes your folder. The other numbers are the program providing the code for that number.

The last line sets it in My Computer, change MyComputer to Desktop to change. This line adds for current user only, change HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU) to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE to apply to the computer (and thus all users)

Creating Shell Extensions with Shell Instance Objects
Raymond Chen
Microsoft Corporation

February 2000

Summary: A traditional shell namespace extension requires the implementation of a COM in-process server. Shell instance objects allow you to create simple shell extensions without having to write a single line of code. This article describes how shell instance objects and shell command objects can be used to easily deploy simple shell extensions. (5 printed pages)

What Is a Shell Namespace Extension?
What Is a Shell Instance Object?
Shell Objects That Can Be Created as Shell Instance Objects
How About an Example?
Shell Command Objects

What Is a Shell Namespace Extension?
Shell namespace extensions allow you to create "virtual folders" in the shell. For example, the Recycle Bin icon on the desktop is not an actual file system directory, but rather represents a collection of items that is maintained by the Recycle Bin shell extension.

Details on creating shell namespace extensions can be found in the Platform SDK section of the MSDN Online Library (

Writing a shell namespace extension can be quite an ordeal. Fortunately, the shell provides an easy way to create certain types of simple shell namespace extensions, as this article will show.

What Is a Shell Instance Object?
A shell instance object is a special kind of shell extension provided by the shdocvw.dll component. Whereas a traditional shell extension requires a DLL to implement the object, a shell instance object retrieves everything it needs to know from the registry.

How the shell creates a shell instance object

1.. The shdocvw.dll component is loaded by virtue of being registered as the InProcServer32 for the shell instance object.

2.. When shdocvw.dll is asked to create an object it does not otherwise recognize, it checks the registry key for a subkey named Instance. If found, it reads the CLSID value of that subkey and passes that CLSID to the CoCreateInstance function. (For lack of a better term, let's call this the "host" object.)

3.. Next, shdocvw.dll looks for a subkey of Instance named InitPropertyBag or InitStream. If found, it then creates an IPropertyBag or IStream (accordingly) based on the contents of the registry key and passes it to the IPersistPropertyBag::Load or IPersistStream::Load method (accordingly).

4.. Finally, shdocvw.dll returns the now-initialized host object as the shell instance object.
Shell Objects That Can Be Created as Shell Instance Objects
There are two shell objects that support being the host object of a shell instance object, namely the Shell link object and the Shell folder shortcut object.

Both of these objects support the IPersistPropertyBag interface, so you can use the InitPropertyBag method of initializing them. (It so happens that both objects also support IPersistStream, but initializing a shortcut from a registry stream is much more cumbersome.)

The property bag you provide in the registry describes the target of the shell link or shell folder shortcut object. There are three supported forms for this property bag.

Targeting a shell special folder
TargetSpecialFolder=REG_SZ:"<special folder number>"

Notice that this is a REG_SZ registry value even though it represents an integer. Both decimal and hex notation are supported.

Targeting a directory inside a shell special folder
TargetSpecialFolder=REG_SZ:"<special folder number>"
Target=REG_SZ:"<subdirectory name>"

The subdirectory name can contain embedded backslashes.

Targeting a directory by explicit path
Target=REG_SZ:"<full path to target directory>"

How About an Example?
Here's a copy of the registration that creates the Fonts folder icon in Control Panel:

InfoTip=REG_SZ:"Displays and manages fonts on your computer"

Because {D20EA4E1-3957-11D2-A40B-0C5020524152} is registered in the Control Panel namespace, a Fonts folder shortcut is installed in Control Panel.

Let's go through this registry key step by step.

a.. The GUID {D20EA4E1-3957-11D2-A40B-0C5020524152} was generated by running the uuidgen program found in the Platform SDK. Of course, when you create your own instance objects, you should run uuidgen and use your own GUID. The name of the icon as it appears in the namespace is also provided here.

b.. The optional InfoTip string is displayed when the user hovers over the icon.

c.. The DefaultIcon string provides the name and icon index for the icon to display for this item.

d.. The InProcServer32 key must be set to the shdocvw.dll file, and the threading model must be set to Apartment.

e.. The ShellFolder key sets the Attributes to a collection of SFGAO_ values, which we wish to apply to the folder shortcut. The SFGAO_FOLDER flag must always be set. Because the target is a file system folder, the SFGAO_FILESYSTEM flag is also set in the Attributes, and the WantsFORPARSING value is set to an empty string. (If the target is not a file system folder, the WantsFORPARSING value should not be created.)

f.. The Instance key sets the CLSID value to the string representation of CLSID_FolderShortcut. This indicates that the object instance should create a folder shortcut.

g.. The InitPropertyBag key indicates that the folder shortcut will be initialized with the IPersistPropertyBag interface. The two values inside the property bag specify that the target is the subdirectory "Fonts" in the special folder 0x0024, which is CSIDL_WINDOWS.
Shell Command Objects
Another type of shell extension object is an icon that when double-clicked runs a command. This, too, can be created without having to write a COM server. For example, here is a command object that is used by the My Network Places folder:

{D4480A50-BA28-11d1-8E75-00C04FA31A86}=REG_SZ:"Add Network Place"
InfoTip=REG_SZ:"Connects to shared folders, Web folders, and FTP sites."
Command=REG_EXPAND_SZ:"rundll32 ..."

Most of this registry key should look familiar, so I will only highlight the differences from shell instance objects:

a.. There is no InProcServer32 key.

b.. The Attributes of the ShellFolder key should omit the SFGAO_FOLDER flag because this item is not a folder.

c.. Instead of an Instance key, we have a Shell key, which has the same structure as a progid key. The "Open" verb is the default action for double-clicking. You can also create other verbs, which will appear on the context menu. For example, the Internet Explorer icon creates a custom verb called "Open Home Page."
Details on the structure of the Shell key can be found in the Platform SDK section of the MSDN Online Library under the topic heading "Extending Context Menus" (

Shell instance objects and shell command objects allow you to deploy simple shell extensions with a minimum amount of work. For example, you might create a command object in the Control Panel folder called "Troubleshoot," which runs a troubleshoot program. Or you might create a shell instance object that hosts a folder shortcut to a collection of system administrative tools on a shared network server. Shell instance objects and shell command objects allow you to easily deploy these types of shell extensions.

Send feedback to MSDN.Look here for MSDN Online resources.

Robert Hunt said:
Okay, so I see some registry entries. And while I've trapsed through the
Windows registry from time to time, I've not gone and done a lot of
hand-coded inserts, so I'm reticent to bang away. Some more questions:

-- How is the CLSID (in your example "6f5519d5-0480-430e-a4e5-b30cdf487733")
For each "mount" that I wish to make, I'm assuming there'd have to be a
separate entry, right?

-- How is the cross link from
to "CLSID"="{0AFACED1-E828-11D1-9187-B532F1E9575D}" derived?

-- Is there a utility available to produce the same results?

David, these questions may be an irritation to someone seemingly dexterous
in Windows registry machinations as you. Like I said, however, I'm just a
beginner and I appreciate your help. Thanks.

Have a look at attached file. Ignore the name as this is a 2nd My Docs

Rob Hunt said:
Is there a way to add "links" or "mount" folders so that they appear as
high-level folders in Win Explorer? For example "My Documents" physically
resides at "C:\Documents and Settings\user-x\My Documents" but shows as a
top-level folder (along with "My Computer" and "My Network Places") under
the absolute root of "Desktop". I'd like to see select folders on my C:
drive show up for quick access instead of having to drill down to them for
every new instance of Win Explr that I open.

_ _ J

| MS want to train you so they can charge you in the future.

How would using a newsreader make any difference?


MS want to train you so they can charge you in the future.

If you go through Help & Support and follow the links you get

Take the second option. Open with newsreader

Rob Hunt said:
My apologies; I've only come to visit briefly using the MS newsgroups reader web interface:
because that's where searches on MS's website lead me.

Sorry to be a bother.

Robert Hunt

Thanks Santa -- it works like a charm.


a.. Rob Hunt


I make the numbers for people (some may even ask me for a copyrighted file). The files are freely downloadable from MS but you have to get 10,000 other files with it. Basically you just change the number and put a different path in. For special folders one can use a different syntax where you use a number. The {65 one is the only one you make, that becomes your folder. The other numbers are the program providing the code for that number.

The last line sets it in My Computer, change MyComputer to Desktop to change. This line adds for current user only, change HKEY_CURRENT_USER (HKCU) to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE to apply to the computer (and thus all users)

Creating Shell Extensions with Shell Instance Objects
Raymond Chen
Microsoft Corporation

February 2000

Summary: A traditional shell namespace extension requires the implementation of a COM in-process server. Shell instance objects allow you to create simple shell extensions without having to write a single line of code. This article describes how shell instance objects and shell command objects can be used to easily deploy simple shell extensions. (5 printed pages)

What Is a Shell Namespace Extension?
What Is a Shell Instance Object?
Shell Objects That Can Be Created as Shell Instance Objects
How About an Example?
Shell Command Objects

What Is a Shell Namespace Extension?
Shell namespace extensions allow you to create "virtual folders" in the shell. For example, the Recycle Bin icon on the desktop is not an actual file system directory, but rather represents a collection of items that is maintained by the Recycle Bin shell extension.

Details on creating shell namespace extensions can be found in the Platform SDK section of the MSDN Online Library (

Writing a shell namespace extension can be quite an ordeal. Fortunately, the shell provides an easy way to create certain types of simple shell namespace extensions, as this article will show.

What Is a Shell Instance Object?
A shell instance object is a special kind of shell extension provided by the shdocvw.dll component. Whereas a traditional shell extension requires a DLL to implement the object, a shell instance object retrieves everything it needs to know from the registry.

How the shell creates a shell instance object

1.. The shdocvw.dll component is loaded by virtue of being registered as the InProcServer32 for the shell instance object.

2.. When shdocvw.dll is asked to create an object it does not otherwise recognize, it checks the registry key for a subkey named Instance. If found, it reads the CLSID value of that subkey and passes that CLSID to the CoCreateInstance function. (For lack of a better term, let's call this the "host" object.)

3.. Next, shdocvw.dll looks for a subkey of Instance named InitPropertyBag or InitStream. If found, it then creates an IPropertyBag or IStream (accordingly) based on the contents of the registry key and passes it to the IPersistPropertyBag::Load or IPersistStream::Load method (accordingly).

4.. Finally, shdocvw.dll returns the now-initialized host object as the shell instance object.
Shell Objects That Can Be Created as Shell Instance Objects
There are two shell objects that support being the host object of a shell instance object, namely the Shell link object and the Shell folder shortcut object.

Both of these objects support the IPersistPropertyBag interface, so you can use the InitPropertyBag method of initializing them. (It so happens that both objects also support IPersistStream, but initializing a shortcut from a registry stream is much more cumbersome.)

The property bag you provide in the registry describes the target of the shell link or shell folder shortcut object. There are three supported forms for this property bag.

Targeting a shell special folder
TargetSpecialFolder=REG_SZ:"<special folder number>"

Notice that this is a REG_SZ registry value even though it represents an integer. Both decimal and hex notation are supported.

Targeting a directory inside a shell special folder
TargetSpecialFolder=REG_SZ:"<special folder number>"
Target=REG_SZ:"<subdirectory name>"

The subdirectory name can contain embedded backslashes.

Targeting a directory by explicit path
Target=REG_SZ:"<full path to target directory>"

How About an Example?
Here's a copy of the registration that creates the Fonts folder icon in Control Panel:

InfoTip=REG_SZ:"Displays and manages fonts on your computer"

Because {D20EA4E1-3957-11D2-A40B-0C5020524152} is registered in the Control Panel namespace, a Fonts folder shortcut is installed in Control Panel.

Let's go through this registry key step by step.

a.. The GUID {D20EA4E1-3957-11D2-A40B-0C5020524152} was generated by running the uuidgen program found in the Platform SDK. Of course, when you create your own instance objects, you should run uuidgen and use your own GUID. The name of the icon as it appears in the namespace is also provided here.

b.. The optional InfoTip string is displayed when the user hovers over the icon.

c.. The DefaultIcon string provides the name and icon index for the icon to display for this item.

d.. The InProcServer32 key must be set to the shdocvw.dll file, and the threading model must be set to Apartment.

e.. The ShellFolder key sets the Attributes to a collection of SFGAO_ values, which we wish to apply to the folder shortcut. The SFGAO_FOLDER flag must always be set. Because the target is a file system folder, the SFGAO_FILESYSTEM flag is also set in the Attributes, and the WantsFORPARSING value is set to an empty string. (If the target is not a file system folder, the WantsFORPARSING value should not be created.)

f.. The Instance key sets the CLSID value to the string representation of CLSID_FolderShortcut. This indicates that the object instance should create a folder shortcut.

g.. The InitPropertyBag key indicates that the folder shortcut will be initialized with the IPersistPropertyBag interface. The two values inside the property bag specify that the target is the subdirectory "Fonts" in the special folder 0x0024, which is CSIDL_WINDOWS.
Shell Command Objects
Another type of shell extension object is an icon that when double-clicked runs a command. This, too, can be created without having to write a COM server. For example, here is a command object that is used by the My Network Places folder:

{D4480A50-BA28-11d1-8E75-00C04FA31A86}=REG_SZ:"Add Network Place"
InfoTip=REG_SZ:"Connects to shared folders, Web folders, and FTP sites."
Command=REG_EXPAND_SZ:"rundll32 ..."

Most of this registry key should look familiar, so I will only highlight the differences from shell instance objects:

a.. There is no InProcServer32 key.

b.. The Attributes of the ShellFolder key should omit the SFGAO_FOLDER flag because this item is not a folder.

c.. Instead of an Instance key, we have a Shell key, which has the same structure as a progid key. The "Open" verb is the default action for double-clicking. You can also create other verbs, which will appear on the context menu. For example, the Internet Explorer icon creates a custom verb called "Open Home Page."
Details on the structure of the Shell key can be found in the Platform SDK section of the MSDN Online Library under the topic heading "Extending Context Menus" (

Shell instance objects and shell command objects allow you to deploy simple shell extensions with a minimum amount of work. For example, you might create a command object in the Control Panel folder called "Troubleshoot," which runs a troubleshoot program. Or you might create a shell instance object that hosts a folder shortcut to a collection of system administrative tools on a shared network server. Shell instance objects and shell command objects allow you to easily deploy these types of shell extensions.

Send feedback to MSDN.Look here for MSDN Online resources.

Robert Hunt said:
Okay, so I see some registry entries. And while I've trapsed through the
Windows registry from time to time, I've not gone and done a lot of
hand-coded inserts, so I'm reticent to bang away. Some more questions:

-- How is the CLSID (in your example "6f5519d5-0480-430e-a4e5-b30cdf487733")
For each "mount" that I wish to make, I'm assuming there'd have to be a
separate entry, right?

-- How is the cross link from
to "CLSID"="{0AFACED1-E828-11D1-9187-B532F1E9575D}" derived?

-- Is there a utility available to produce the same results?

David, these questions may be an irritation to someone seemingly dexterous
in Windows registry machinations as you. Like I said, however, I'm just a
beginner and I appreciate your help. Thanks.

Have a look at attached file. Ignore the name as this is a 2nd My Docs

Rob Hunt said:
Is there a way to add "links" or "mount" folders so that they appear as
high-level folders in Win Explorer? For example "My Documents" physically
resides at "C:\Documents and Settings\user-x\My Documents" but shows as a
top-level folder (along with "My Computer" and "My Network Places") under
the absolute root of "Desktop". I'd like to see select folders on my C:
drive show up for quick access instead of having to drill down to them for
every new instance of Win Explr that I open.

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