


when I try to open control panel I get an error message that says that my
current security settings prohibit running activex.

I need help in solving this.



mgpk said:
when I try to open control panel I get an error message that says that my
current security settings prohibit running activex.

I need help in solving this.


Active-X settings can be changed under Properties of
Internet Explorer. Go to the Security Tab and make the
changes there. Be aware, however, thet some malware,
spyware or adware rely on an enabled Active-X setting.


Is there a site that indicates what the security settings should be in order
to not get the message I have noted below?


George Hester

The folowing is a vbs file call it MyComputer.vbs

set shell = createobject("")
'Changing this under the HKLM makes it effective for all users
'at next logon...
HKLM_MyComputer_key = _
"HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion" _
&"\Internet Settings\Zones\0\"
valuename = "Flags"
shell.RegWrite HKLM_MyComputer_key & valuename, 1, "REG_DWORD"
'Changing this under the HKCU makes it effective for this user
'immediately and at every logon...
HKCU_MyComputer_key = _
"HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion" _
&"\Internet Settings\Zones\0\"
valuename = "Flags"
shell.RegWrite HKCU_MyComputer_key & valuename, 1, "REG_DWORD"

msgbox _
"The 'My Computer' security zone " _
& "is now visible in the IE security dialog."


Now you execute this in the command prompt by:

cscript MyComputer.vbs

and then say OK.

You will find when you go to right-click IE icon on desktop | Properties | Security you will see MyComputer on the far
right. Select that then Custom Level... | enable everything if you trust your computer.

For ActiveX in the Internet Security Zone you should have disabled all ActiveX whcich are not signed or unsafe and the
rest you can enable. Note this does not protect you from malicious ActiveX on the web but believe me nothing in that
area can so it is kind of superflous.

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