Active Directory Audit logs



My domain is managed by higher level authority. I have OU administration. I
need to request that event data related to my OU be segregated from the rest
of the domain audit data for me to capture with my SIM product. I do not see
how that is possible without complex scripting against the event log data.
Am I missing something?

Simon Geary

What events are you wanting to monitor? Most logging of account related
events (logon, logoff etc) is done on the default domain controllers OU so
it wouldn't be a simple task to pluck your users data out of this.


Accout logon events, account management, directory service access (for SACL
protected objects), Logon events, policy change, system events (to capture
audit log cleared at DC)- All for events related to my OU only. That is the
dilema. I cannot ask for event logs of the entire domain because of data
ownership issues (other OUs). So...Knee pads and a solution to recommend
globally is what I need.

Ryan Hanisco

Yeah.. you're stuck on this one without complicated scripting.

The higher level admin might be able to hand you filtered event logs but
there is nothing automated.

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