Accidentally Pressed Send Mail Button



I accidentally clicked on the Send Mail button while working on m
spreadsheet. Now I have a Send This Sheet email window open above m
spreadsheet. How do I cancel the request to mail my spreadsheet? Thi
won't happen again ... I deleted the Send Mail button from the butto
bar -- but it is driving me nuts that I can't figure out how to clos
the email window and not send the spreadsheet

Paul Falla

Hi there
What you need to do is click on the <FILE> menu, and move
to the <Send To> item. A sub0-menu will appear, and you
will see that the icon for <Mail Recipient> is depressed -
click it to raise it and the email section will disappear
from your spreadsheet.

Hope this helps

Paul Falla


Thanks, Paula, for your help.
I miss "user manuals" being included in software packages. I couldn'
find the answer in the application's help or anywhere except thi
I appreciate your reply

David McRitchie

Yeah manuals were fun to flip through they usually opened up
to the right place sooner or later.

The HELP is written like a book, go to the Contents and start
reading <grin>

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