Accessing Pocket Outlook from a Windows .Net application?




I've developed a Windows VB.Net CRM application for my company.

I need my own CRM application to be able to replicate it's calendar
with my Pocket PC 2003 Outlook calendar.

Understand me correct ...

* I'm not developing a compactframework VB.Net application, but a
Windows VB.Net application.

* I'm not using Outlook in my windows environment, here I use my own CRM

* I of course use Pocket Outlook on my Pocket PC 2003.

I've looked at POOM, but it seams like it's a compactframework component
communicating with the Pocket Outlook. I need a windows-framework
(windows application) to communicate the the Pocket Outlook.

Any controls "out there" doing the above?

Any other suggestions??

Thanks in advance!!!!!


Shriram Nanjundaiah [ MS ]

Here are a few options to look at

1) I'm not using Outlook in my windows environment, here I use my own CRM application.
One way would be to Synchrnozie your calendar with outlook on the desktop and then use Desktop API's from your VB.Net app on the desktop to get to the calendar

2) Write an ActiveSync provider. This would however have 2 components a Desktop side and a device Side. For more information about ActiveSync providers please
refer to the docs.

3) Use RAPI, however this too would have a device side component

You may also try posting onto the microsoft.public.pocketpc.developer group, which i think would be more appropriate. There are a lot of people on there and maybe
someone has developed controls or libraries that may be of help to you.

Shriram Nanjundaiah
Microsoft Corporation - Windows Mobile

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| Hi,
| I've developed a Windows VB.Net CRM application for my company.
| I need my own CRM application to be able to replicate it's calendar
| with my Pocket PC 2003 Outlook calendar.
| Understand me correct ...
| * I'm not developing a compactframework VB.Net application, but a
| Windows VB.Net application.
| * I'm not using Outlook in my windows environment, here I use my own CRM
| application.
| * I of course use Pocket Outlook on my Pocket PC 2003.
| I've looked at POOM, but it seams like it's a compactframework component
| communicating with the Pocket Outlook. I need a windows-framework
| (windows application) to communicate the the Pocket Outlook.
| Any controls "out there" doing the above?
| Any other suggestions??
| Thanks in advance!!!!!
| M O J O

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